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Stock Alerts

How to set email notifications for when items are low on stock

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

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If you have high volume products that you want to make sure you always have in stock, you can set up an email alert to notify you when running low.

When the “Real-time Stock” of an item meets or goes below the “Stock Alert” level that you’ve set, you’ll be notified. You can manage your Email Report Permissions to select which users receive alerts.

Note: This is only available if your POS is integrated with WISK.

Adding a Stock Alert

WISK Web Portal

  1. Click Items > Items on the left menu bar

    An arrow pointing at the "Items" menu button.
  2. Click into the “Stock Alert” field beside an item and enter a value.

    The "Stock Alert" field is highlighted for emphasis on the "Items" screen.

    Note: If you don’t see the “Stock Alert” field, click the gear icon and then “Columns”, and click the checkbox beside “Stock Alert” to toggle it on.

    "Columns" has been clicked, and "Stock Alert" is highlighted, with the checkbox beside it checked.
  3. The “Stock Alert” level is now set

    The "Stock Alert" field is highlighted for emphasis on the "Items" screen. Values have been entered into the "Stock Alert" field.

Note: Only items that have a value in the “Stock Alert” field will trigger stock alert emails. A stock alert is intended to warn you before you run out stock of that item. Because of this, you can't set the value to 0. The lowest stock alert value you can set is 0.1 units.

WISK Mobile App

  1. On the "Items" screen, tap an item

  2. Tap the "Edit" button

    An arrow points to the "Edit" button (pencil icon).
  3. Scroll town and tap the "Stock Alert" field and enter a value

    The "Stock Alert" field is highlighted for emphasis.
  4. Tap "Save". The stock alert level is set.

    The stock alert level is now set to 1 unit, and the "Save" button is highlighted for emphasis.

Stock Alert Notifications

After setting a stock alert level, you’ll receive an email notification anytime the real-time stock value goes below the alert level.

In the example below, the real-time stock of both Jameson Irish Whiskey (750ml) and Grey Goose Vodka (750ml) have gone below their respective stock alert levels (4 units).

On the "Items" page, the stock levels for Jameson Irish Whiskey (750ml) and Grey Goose Vodka (750ml) have gone below their Stock Alert levels of 4 units.

In the notification email, it shows the name of the venue and the following information:

  • Items that have gone below the stock alert level

  • Alert levels

  • Stock before

  • Stock now

The stock alert email, showing the name of the venue, items that have gone below their stock levels, the stock levels, the stock before, and the stock now.

Note: The real-time stock levels are based on your POS Item mapping and sales and are an estimate. We recommend you double-check the counts for those items before placing an order to your distributors/suppliers.

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