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Customizing Your Web Display / Adding Report Views
Customizing Your Web Display / Adding Report Views

On most pages of the WISK Web Portal, you can switch between preset reporting views and create and customize your own

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 9 months ago

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On most pages of the WISK Web Portal, you can toggle between different reporting views on the top-left.

Pages have preset reporting views, but you can also create your own to customize the display.

You can choose which columns to show, as well as sort, group, and filter your data. This allows you to create custom reports.

Once everything is set up to your liking, you can export the data in the table to an XLS or PDF file if needed.

The area to select reports and export is highlighted for emphasis.

Default / Suggested Reports

On each page of the WISK Web Portal, there's a default reporting view called "Main". Click the current reporting view to see the suggested reports.

The "Main" report is highlighted. It's been clicked and it shows all the other reports available

The available reports are based on the current page, and help group and filter your data. Click a report to switch to it.

Note: You can make changes to suggested reports (toggle columns on/off, filter, sort, etc.) but they revert back to the default settings when the browser page is refreshed. A reminder message displays whenever you make a change to a suggested report.

The message that displays when you make a change to a system report

To make permanent changes to a report, you can create your own or make a copy of an existing one.

Adding a Report

When you add a reporting view, you can either:

  1. make a copy of an existing report, or

  2. create a brand new one

You can then customize it and toggle between other reports as needed.

When you add a report, any user in the venue can select it (if they can access the page), and it's visible if accessing your account from another computer or browser.

Copy an Existing Report

To make a copy of an existing report, either:

  1. Click the "..." button beside a report, then "Clone", or\

    The "..." button is highlighted and the Clone option is available

  2. Click the Gear icon, then the "Clone current view" button

    The "Clone current report" button is highlighted

    Note: The new report is added with "copy" beside the name, and you can begin customizing it

    The new report appears under "Your Reports"

Creating a New Report

To create a new a report:

  1. "Add report" from the drop-down menu

    The "Add report" button is highlighted for emphasis

  2. Enter a name that describes the report and click "OK". You can change the name later if needed

    The name of the report has been entered and an arrow points to the "OK" button.
  3. The report now appear under "Your reports" and is the active view

    The new report has been added in the list of reports and is the active report.

Renaming / Deleting a Report

If you create a report and want to rename or delete it, click the "..." button beside it and select the corresponding option.

The "..." button has been clicked and there is an option to rename or remove the report

Customization Options

After adding a report, click the gear icon to begin customizing it.

An arrow points to the gear icon

The following customization options are available:

All of these options can be combined to display your data in a format that works best for you.

The Customization options showing columns, sort, grouping, filters


Under the "Columns" section, you’ll see a list of every column that is available on that page. Click the checkbox beside a column to toggle it on or off.

You can use the search field to find a specific column name.

The gear button has been clicked, and it shows the various columns that can be toggled on.

For a description of the column, hover your cursor over the information icon beside it.

Note: If using Custom Fields, they'll appear in the columns list. To learn more, see:

Rearranging Columns

To change the order of your visible columns, drag and drop the columns on the list.

An animated gif showing a column being dragged to a new position, and the data being re-arranged in real time.


The sort feature allows you to sort your data based on a selected attribute, either ascending or descending. It also supports multiple levels of sorting.

To sort your items:

  1. Click "Sort"

  2. Click the “Sort by” drop-down menu

    The "Sort by" drop-down menu is highlighted

    Note: Depending on the page, there may already be one level of sorting active (usually by Title). You can click the “x” button to remove it.

  3. Scroll through the list and select the attribute/column that you want to sort by. It displays alphabetically and you can type to search

    The distributor option in the dropdown is highlighted for emphasis.

  4. Click the corresponding arrow if you want the data to be displayed descending (left) or ascending (right)

    The descending and ascending arrows are highlighted beside the added attribute. Click either to complete the sort.
  5. The data is sorted based on the selected attribute

Advanced Sorting

If you wish to add another level of sorting, click “Then by” and follow the same steps as above.

"Then By" has been clicked and more sorting options display

The hierarchy of sorting is based on the order they were applied. The most recently added sorting is at the highest level, but you can drag and drop to rearrange the sort order.

The areas where you can drag and drop are highlighted for emphasis.

In the example below, the data has been sorted by distributor in ascending order, and then by title in ascending order.

The data in the table has been sorted by Distributor, and then by Title.

Note: If you try to re-arrange the sorting on groupings, you may be blocked from moving the highest level of sorting. In that case, the drag and drop icon will be transparent.

On the "By Family > Category" view on the Items page, you can't move the "Family Category" group item.


Grouping is used to visually separate and group data in the table. You can even create groups and then use them when sorting.

To group your items:

  1. Click "Grouping"

  2. Click the “Group by” drop-down menu

    The "Group By" drop down window is highlighted

  3. Scroll through the list and select the attribute/column that you want to group by. It displays alphabetically and you can type to search

    A list of all item attributes that you can group by displays in a drop-down menu.

  4. Your items are grouped by the selected attribute. You can expand grouped items by clicking the arrow beside them, or the "..." button that appears when you place your cursor over them

    The items have been grouped by the selected attribute, which is "Category" in this example.

Additional Grouping

If you want to add another level of grouping, click the “+” button beside "Then by" and select another attribute.

The "Then By" drop-down has been clicked

This grouping nests under the existing grouping, and you can drag them to re-order if necessary.

In this example, we have grouped the items by category, and then by measurement size:

The items appear grouped by Category, and then measurement size.

Overall, the grouping feature is very flexible, especially if using custom fields. This opens up countless possibilities for grouping your items.

For example, if you create a custom field called "Color", and add red, yellow, and blue as options, you can then group your items based on the color indicated.

You can learn more about custom fields here:


Filters are used to display data that matches the outlined criteria.

Note: Depending on the page of the Web Portal, there may already be some pre-defined filters that you can apply.

To apply a filter:

  1. Click "Filters"

  2. Click the + button beside "Add Filter"

    An arrow points to the + button beside "Add Filter"

  3. Click “Field” and scroll through the list to select the attribute/column to filter by. It displays alphabetically and you can type to search

    The "Field" button has been clicked, and a list of attributes / columns that you can filter by display in the drop-down menu.

  4. Click the dropdown menu on the right. This defines how you filter the selected attributes. The options you see depend on the chosen field/attribute.

    If the field has a list of defined values, such as distributor or category, your options are as follows:

    The dropdown menu options for filtering by defined values

    If the field is a string of characters, such as title or distributor code, your options are as follows:

    The drop-down options if the selected attribute is a numeric value

    If the field is a number value, such as Stock or Stock Alert, your options are as follows:

    The drop-down options if the selected attribute is a numeric value

    If the field is a date, such as "Added On", your options are as follows:

    The drop-down options if the selected attribute is a date/time

  5. In this example, it's set to filter based on "distributor" and "Is one of". We then click the drop-down menu and add distributors from list (you can select more than one).

    The example filter is set by distributor, and the rule is "Is one of".  The drop-down menu below the attribute and rules has been clicked, and you can add specific distributors to filter by.

  6. The filter is applied, and you can add additional filters (and, or) if desired

    One filter is currently in place, and the "And+" and "Or+" filter options are highlighted below.

In this example, we added an “And” filter for a measurement size of 750ml.

As a result, it only displays items where the distributor is “Sample Distributor, and the measurement size is 750ml.

In the example, it's filtering to only display items from "Sample Distributor" with the measurement size of 750ml.

Note: To see the current filters applied without opening the Filters tab, you can mouseover the gear icon.

The active filters display

To make changes, click the box and it opens the Filters tab.

Switching Between Reports

After setting up your reporting views for a page, you can toggle between them as needed.

To switch between your reports:

  1. Click the active report

    An arrow points to the active report

  2. Click the report you want to switch to

    An arrow points to another report from the list

  3. The selected report displays. The menu remains open allowing you to switch between reports as needed. You can close it by clicking the active report name on the top-left

    The selected report is now toggled on

Quick Sort Columns

On any page on the WISK Web Portal, you can also quick sort data in a column by placing your cursor over the header and clicking the down or up arrow.

An arrow points to the down and up arrows that appear in a header

  • Down arrow (descending) - from high to low

  • Up arrow (ascending) - from low to high

This offers a quick way to sort data in existing system views/reports without having to create a new view. In the example below, the sales are sorted by quantity sold from high to low.

The sales quantities are sorted from high to low.

You can remove the sorting at any time by clicking the "X" button.

Note: If you use the quick sort on a system view, it will stay that way until you refresh the browser. If you use it on a custom view, it will remain until you remove it.

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