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Email Report Permissions/Settings

How to manage which users receive email report notifications when certain actions are completed.

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 9 months ago

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By default, whenever you add a user to your venue, they are set to receive most email reports.

Users with the Admin or Manager role can manage/change email report permissions for other users in the venue via the WISK Web Portal.

Each user in the venue is also able to manage which reports they receive.

Note: Only users in the venue can receive email reports. You can't send email reports to an email address that isn't associated to a user in the venue. If you want to invite a new user, see:

Managing Email Notifications (Other Users)

To manage email report permissions for other users:

  1. Hover your cursor over your username on the bottom left of the screen and click “Venue Settings”

    The "Venue Settings" button is highlighted.

    Note: If you have access to multiple venues, you can manage your email notifications for all venues on the "Team" page

  2. Click “Users”

    An arrow pointing at the "Users" button on the Venue Settings menu.

  3. Move your cursor over a user and click the pencil icon under the “Email Reports” column

    An arrow pointing at the pencil icon in the Email Reports column on the Users page.

  4. Click the checkboxes beside a report type to select the reports that the user receives

    The popup window that shows the default reports options.

    Note: To learn more about each type of report, see Email Reports / Notification Types

  5. After checking or unchecking a box, the changes are saved. Click the “X” when finished'

    An arrow points at the "X" button, and "Inventory" is the only checkbox selected.

  6. The updated permissions display for the user. They will only receive the reports that display in the “Email Reports” column

    Inventory is highlighted in the "Email Reports" column. It is the only email report that will be sent to that specific user.

Managing Email Notifications (Self)

To manage email report permissions for your own account:

  1. Hover your cursor over your username on the bottom left of the screen and click “Account”

    The "Account" menu option is highlighted for visibility

  2. Click the "Email Reports" Tab

    The "Email Reports" tab is highlighted for emphasis.

  3. Each venue you belong to displays, and for each report type there is a checkbox. If you are set to receive a report, the box is checked

The following customization options are available:

  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe to a specific report (for an individual venue or all venues)

  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe to all reports for a specific venue

  • Unsubscribe from all reports for all venues

Unsubscribe/Subscribe to a Specific Report

To subscribe or unsubscribe to a specific report, just click the checkbox in the corresponding venue.

An arrow points to an unchecked box

The checkbox updates and you will receive that report if checked. If unchecked you won't receive that report.

The report is now checked and will be sent when triggered

If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe to that specific report in all venues, click the checkbox in the column header, then click "OK" on the confirmation prompt.

An arrow points to the Column header checkbox

You are then subscribed or unsubscribed from that report in all venues.

The "Daily Summary" will no longer send for all venues

Unsubscribe / Subscribe for a Specific Venue

To unsubscribe or subscribe to all available reports for a specific venue:

  1. Place your cursor over the venue and click the the blue arrow, then select to subscribe or unsubscribe

  2. Click "OK" on the confirmation prompt

    An arrow points to the "OK" button

  3. You then subscribe or unsubscribe to all the reports for the selected venue

    You are now subscribed to all reports for the selected venue

Unsubscribe from All Venues

To unsubscribe from all venues at the same time:

  1. Click the "Unsubscribe all email reports button"

    An arrow points to the "Unsubscribe all email reports" button

  2. Click "OK" on the confirmation screen

    An arrow points to the "OK" button

  3. You are removed from receiving all email reports for all venues

    All boxes for receiving reports are now unchecked.

Email Report / Notification Types

The following reports are available:

  • Billing Updates - if a subscription payment fails, users with this option check receive an email notification

  • Daily Summary - A summary of your venue’s activity from yesterday, including inventory counts, orders placed, and invoices received and more

  • Draft Invoice - Sent if an invoice added via scanning/uploading has an issue that prevents the WISK team or your team from processing it. The message includes the original file and the reason why it can't be processed

  • Inventory - this is sent out every time an inventory is completed and includes an inventory, consumption, and variance report (if your POS is integrated)

  • Invoice - when an invoice is added, users are given the option to send a confirmation email to all users on this list

  • Item Distributor Cost Alert - when an item's cost goes above the set alert level. See "Item Cost Alerts"

  • POS Item Cost Alert - when one of your POS Item's cost percentage exceeds the set alert percentage. See "POS Item Cost Alerts"

  • Partial Inventory - sent every time a partial inventory is completed and includes an inventory, consumption, and variance report (if your POS is integrated)

  • Purchase Order - when an order email is sent to a distributor, the user is cc-ed automatically

  • Stock Alert - when the “Real-time Stock” of an item meets or goes below the “Stock Alert” level, an email notification is sent. See "Stock Alerts".

  • Weekly Summary - A summary of your venue’s activity for the past week, including inventory counts, orders placed, and invoices received and more.

Note: Click here to see examples of each report.

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