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WISK Bar - Adding Your Items & First Inventory

How to add your items and take your First Inventory with the WISK app

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 12 months ago

Article Contents

This article covers the following topics:


During your First Inventory, you’ll do the following:

  1. Create/manage your areas where stock is stored and counted

  2. Scan barcodes of items to add them to your venue item list, and submit counts in each area

  3. Save all areas and submit the inventory

Note: Before starting your inventory count, make sure you're in your Beverage account. To learn how to switch between your venues, see:

Creating / Managing Areas

  1. To begin, tap “Complete first inventory”

  2. You’ll see the name of the current active account/venue, and a list of your areas. By default, WISK provides you with a Main Bar and Stock Room

    The "New Inventory" screen that shows the areas in the venue.
  3. You can create a new area by tapping “add another area” or you can edit an existing area by swiping it to the left and tapping "Edit Area". You can rename the area, change the photo, or delete it

    An animated gif showing the buttons to add or edit areas.

Note: Area names must be unique. You cannot create an area with the same name as an existing or archived area.

Adding Items & Counting Areas

For your First Inventory, you’ll be adding items to your venue list and counting them. As soon as you add the item, you can add the count.

This section outlines various use cases for adding items and how to count partial and full units.

Note: You'll also go through a short tutorial in-app that covers these use cases.

Entering an Area

To start adding items and counting, tap an area.

An arrow points to the "Main Bar" area.

Note: If the area doesn’t have an internet connection, You can still scan, count, and save the area. It will re-sync when the connection is restored. For more information, see:

Adding Items

When inside an area, scan the barcodes of your items in a systematic fashion, top to bottom, left to right.

When you scan a barcode, it searches the WISK database to find the item and add it to your venue.

Barcode Recognized

If the item is in our database, it’s added to your venue’s item list. You can then count the item.

See the “Counting” section below for more information.

An animated gif showing an item being added to the venue.

If you scan an item, and it pulls up an item that is different from what you scanned, you can edit the item information.

Note: To help speed up your first inventory, when you scan an item's barcode it adds the item to your venue automatically. After completing 3+ inventories, when you scan the barcode of an item that isn't in your venue, it'll show you a preview of the item before adding it.

No Barcode

If an item doesn’t have a barcode, for example, a beer keg or premium wine, tap the “Search / Add” button to add it to your venue’s list.

An arrow points to the "Search/Add" button.

You can search the WISK database for the item by tapping “Search Online”, Or you can add the item manually by tapping “Add Item”.

Arrows point to the "Add item" and "Search online" buttons.

When adding an item, you’ll need to provide the following information at a minimum:

  • Title

  • Item Measurement (the size of the item, for example 750ml, 1L, 12oz etc.)

  • Category


You can also take a picture of the item by tapping the camera icon, or upload an image from your photos.

After adding the item details, tap “Save”

The item is then added to your venue and can be counted.

For more detailed information, please see:

Barcode Not Recognized

If you scan a barcode, and it isn’t in the WISK database, you’ll need to either:

  • assign the barcode to an existing item

  • search the online database to find a match

  • or add the item manually.

Note: If you’re in an area with no network connection, you won’t be able to search online.

  1. Type the name in the search field, if it appears in your Venue items, tap it to add the barcode to it

  2. If the item isn’t in your current Venue items, tap "Search Online". If you see a result that matches, tap the item to add it to your venue.

  3. If there isn’t a match, tap “Add item” to add it manually


With your item called up, it’s now time to count it. As mentioned earlier, you’ll count items in a systematic fashion. Scan and count what is in front of you as you work your way through the area.

For example, if at the start of the area, you have 2 full units of Jameson 750ml, and there are 2 more at the far end of the bar, scan and submit those counts separately as you get to them in the area. WISK adds the counts together when you have finished the area. Don’t add them up in your head and submit it as 4 full units.

By adding them separately, it is much easier to review your counts and make sure you haven’t missed anything.

Partial Units

For partial units, you can use the visual mode, a supported Bluetooth scale, or enter a custom amount to count it.

An item is called up and it shows the 3 options for counting partial units.

When the amount is added, it displays how much remains in either fluid ounces or milliliters depending on your preference. You can change this under Inventory Settings:

Note: The method you used to count the item is displayed when reviewing counts in an area.

All the different ways to submit a partial count


If using the visual method:

  1. Tap how much of the item remains using the point system

    An arrow points to the 70% button.
  2. After tapping a %, it calculates an estimate of how much remains in the item. Tap confirm to submit the count

    The "Confirm" button is highlighted for emphasis.


To get more accurate measurements of your partial items, you can use a supported Bluetooth scale. For a list of supported scales, see:


Before using the scale, you need to enable it in the app settings. You can do this before or during the inventory. For detailed setup instructions, see:

To set up the scale during inventory, tap the scale icon after scanning an item, then tap the "Use Scale" toggle. Click "Enable" on the confirmation message.

The scale then automatically connects to your device when turned on.

Note: If you're having issues getting the scale to connect please see:

Weighing a Partial Item

  1. Make sure the "Scale" tab is selected and place the partial item on the scale (if there is no full weight on file for the item, it’ll ask you to add one)

    The "Scale" tab is highlighted for emphasis
  2. The app displays what is left in the item based on the weights on file

    The item has been placed on the scale and displays the weight in grams, and converted to a volume of 7.4oz
  3. Tap confirm to submit the count

    An arrow points to the confirm button.

Note: Always make sure that what displays on the confirm button matches what you see in person. If you place a partial unit on the scale, and the amount remaining in WISK doesn't appear correct:

  • Make sure the scale is on a flat, level surface

  • Check that the full weight on file for the item is correct by weighing a full unit

For more information about what to do if the reading on the scale appears incorrect, see:


If you are weighing an item and the cap has been replaced by a spout, you can add a spout and enter its weight.

The weight of the spout is subtracted from the reading on the scale. To learn more, see:


This option allows you to enter an exact amount remaining in the item. Only use this if you have a way of knowing exactly how much is inside (pouring into a measuring cup, or using a tool that can track exactly how much of something was poured, etc).

  1. Make sure the "Custom" tab is selected and tap the unit of measurement selector

    The "Custom" tab is highlighted and an arrow points to the unit of measurement selector.
  2. Select the desired unit of measurement from the list

    An arrow points to the "Fluid Ounce" unit of measurement.

  3. Input the value and tap confirm

    8 oz has been entered and an arrow points to the Confirm button.

Can't See Partial Counting Options

If you have called up an item and don't see any of the methods for counting partial units, check the item's measurement. It's possible the measurement type may be set to "1 unit", which isn't a measurement of volume.

The item has a measurement of 1 unit instead of a volume

To fix this, you'll need to change the item's measurement/size to count partial units. It's best to catch and fix this as soon as possible so it can be counted and used in recipes correctly.

To learn how to change it, and more about units of measurement see:

Once the item has been fixed, you can count partials units.

The item measurement has been changed from 1 unit to 750ml

Full Units

For full units, you can submit them as individual units or cases:

  1. Tap the + buttons to add an amount for units and/or cases, or you can tap the number in the centre to type in the amount

  2. Tap confirm to submit the count

    Note: If there is no case size set for the item, you can tap the pencil icon on the top to add one.

Note: There are also swiping gesture shortcuts you can use to add full units of an item. To learn more, see:

Counting Tips

As you scan and count your way through an area, you can submit combinations of full and partial units. For example, if on a bar shelf, you had half a unit of Jameson, with 2 full units behind it, you would submit it as 2.5.

For a full list of inventory use cases, please see our “Taking Inventory” section of the help site.

Summary of Scans

When you’ve finished counting in an area or want to see what you have submitted so far, tap “Review item counts”. The number beside the button represents the total count of items so far.

An arrow points to the "Review item counts" button.

You’ll see everything you’ve counted, in the order it was submitted. Including whether it was the visual or scale method for partial units.

At this point, it doesn’t add the counts together. You’ll see every single submission you’ve made. You can use the + or - buttons to adjust the counts if needed.

This shows all the items counted in the area

For example, if you counted 2.5 units of Campari 750ml at the start of an area, and then 2 more at the end, you’ll see those individual submissions. This is so you can quickly review what you’ve added to make sure you haven’t missed anything. The next screen before you submit the inventory adds everything together (in this case, 4.5 units).

Deleting an Item

If you need to delete an item, you can swipe it to the left and tap delete.

An item has been swiped to the left and an arrow points to the "Delete" button.

Area Review

After you've checked your counts, tap “Review and submit area”.

An arrow points to the "Review and submit area" button

This screen shows the total counts for each item, and can you choose how to view this information:

  • By the order it was submitted

  • category

  • alphabetically

  • highest to lowest count

You can tap an item to see a breakdown of how it was counted.

An arrow points to an item indicating to tap it.

You'll see each individual submission that makes up the count. You can use this to help verify the counts in the area.

The Item Summary screen shows each submission that makes up the total count.

Saving / Finishing the Area

As you add items, your progress is saved automatically to the cloud as you go. When you've finished reviewing your counts, tap "Submit area counts".

An arrow points to the "Submit area counts" button

Note: You can go back into an area after it has been saved to make changes if needed.

Count Remaining Areas

You’ll see the area marked as saved, with a summary of what has been counted. This is a good way to tell if you have finished counting an area, or need to go back and finish it later.

The area is marked as saved and shows the total number of unique items, and total number of items counted.

Now count your remaining areas. You can only submit your inventory after saving all areas in your venue.

An arrow points to the next area.

Reviewing & Submitting the Inventory

As you submit and save your last area, you’ll receive a prompt asking if you wish to add another area, review the inventory, or you can hit cancel if you need to finish counting in another saved area.

The "Submit Inventory" prompt that appears after saving all areas.

Reviewing the Inventory

When you tap “Review and Submit inventory”, you’ll see a breakdown of the inventory, and you can choose how to view it:

  • By Item categories

  • Alphabetically

  • Inventory count

The drop-down has been tapped to show the different types of views available.

You’ll see the total count for each item, and you can tap it to see where it was counted. You can tap into an area to adjust the count if necessary.

An animated gif showing tapping an item to see the breakdown of how it was counted in the whole venue.

When everything looks correct, you’ll see the total number of unique items in the inventory, the total count, and the total dollar value of your inventory at the bottom of the screen.

At this point your value may say $0 because you haven't added any item costs yet. Don't worry, that's the next step after submitting your inventory.

The number of unique items, total items, and total $ value is highlighted for emphasis.

Submitting the Inventory

To submit the inventory:

  1. Tap “Submit inventory”

    An arrow points to the "Submit Inventory" button.
  2. Tap “Approve”

    An arrow points to the "Approve" button.
  3. Schedule a reminder for your next inventory count

    The next inventory scheduler where you set the date and time for the next count.

    Note: For the best results, we recommend taking inventory counts on a weekly basis.

After submitting the inventory, a copy of the inventory report is emailed to the designated recipients.

If you notice that you made a mistake during the inventory, see:

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