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Partial Inventory Report

How to interpret the results of your partial inventory report

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

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After you’ve completed at least two inventories in an Partial Inventory category, you’ll receive an email with an inventory report, consumption report, and variance report (if your POS is integrated with WISK, or you have manually uploaded sales data).

The inventory report is included for your records, but the consumption and variance will be the main focus for identifying any potential issues.

You can also view the inventory, consumption and variance on the WISK Web Portal.

Viewing Your Reports


When you submit your partial inventory, any user set to receive partial inventory emails receives a copy of the reports.

This email has the subject "Partial Inventory Report" and includes the standard inventory, consumption and variance report attachments. There are also links to view each report on the WISK Web Portal.

The Partial Inventory Report email

You can learn more about setting who receives partial inventory emails here:

WISK Web Portal

To view your reports on the WISK Web Portal:

  1. Click Inventories > Partial Inventories

    The "Partial Inventories" menu option is selected
  2. Click the "Group" drop-down to select a partial inventory category

    The "Group" drop-down is selected and arrow points to the "Vodka" category

  3. All inventories for that category display, click the "details" button an inventory count

    An arrow points to the "Details" button
  4. The tabs along the top show the different reports available (Details/Inventory, Consumption and Variance)

    The different report options show along the top

Inventory Report

To view the inventory report / summary, click the "Details" tab.

This shows a breakdown of everything counted in the partial inventory, grouped by family and category.

The "Details" tab is highlighted and it shows the overall counts for each item

The inventory xls you receive in the email is the same as the one included with a normal, full inventory.

To learn more, see:

Consumption Report

To view consumption, click the "Consumption" tab.

The "Consumption" tab is highlighted

The consumption tab/ report is a good way to compare your inventory counts and see the value of what was consumed between your partial inventories. The inventory period displays above the table.

If your POS isn’t integrated, you can still compare the consumption to the sales from your POS manually.

For more information on Consumption reports, see here:

Variance Report

To view the variance details, click the "Variance" tab.

The "Variance tab" is highlighted

The variance report builds on the consumption report, by including the sales data between the partial inventories. The inventory period displays above the table.

This is a special version of variance report that only includes sales of the POS Items that are mapped with the items counted in the partial inventory.

Note: If your venue is sending sales via a daily sales report email, complete your closing inventory after the sales data is sent to WISK to receive a variance report. For more information, see “Daily Sales Report” in this article.

On the variance report, you can see how much was sold of each item, based on the recipes you’ve added in the POS Items section.

Please make sure there are no unmapped POS Items that contain items you’re tracking in the partial inventory, and that your mapping is accurate. Otherwise, your sales values won’t be accurate.

This sales data is then compared to your consumption, to produce a variance.

Note: The consumption and sales are for the venue as a whole. If you have more than one bar in your venue, you won’t be able to see the consumption and sales per bar at this time. You’ll just see the sales and consumption for the venue for the period between the partial inventories.

For more information on Variance reports, see here:


The timeline tab shows all actions taken within the partial inventory. This includes all items added, edited, and deleted.

It also shows the record of when the inventory reports were emailed after submitting the count.

The "Timeline" tab is highlighted for emphasis

Example Variance Report

In this example, our venue has been taking a weekly inventory for the last month, and have noticed a consistent variance with our Jameson, Absolut Vodka, and Grey Goose Vodka.

By taking partial inventories of those items before the bar opens two nights in a row, we can pinpoint where the variance is coming from.

After completing those inventories, we’ll receive a variance report.

Summary Page

On the summary page, you'll see your overall variance, variance by family, and variance by category.

In the screenshot above, it shows the:

Variance Cost - The sum of the Variance Cost for each item.

Variance Cost = Cost per Unit * Variance. A negative Variance Cost indicates a loss. In this case, it’s $-26.81. It means we used more product than we should’ve based on the recipes we’ve added. You want your Variance Cost to be as close to $0 as possible.

Sales - Total sales for the items during the time period (based on POS Item Mapping). In this case, we had sales of $350.00 for the tracked items.

Cost - The cost of goods consumed. This is the value of how much was consumed at cost based on the opening and closing inventory counts. In this case, it’s $97.43.

Retail - The theoretical value that the Variance Cost would have sold for based on your POS Item recipes. In other words, the $-26.81 worth of product would have translated to $132.87 in sales. It is shown as a negative value because it is a theoretical loss.

Beverage Cost - The cost of goods consumed divided by sales. In this case it is $97.43 / $350 = 27.84%

What does it all mean? At a high level, we’re losing out on profits because we’re consuming more product than we should be, based on the recipes we’ve entered into the system.

When we look at the Summary by Category, we can start to drill down and see where these losses are coming from:

For both Scotch and Whisky and Vodka, there is a negative Variance Cost, indicating a loss.

  • Scotch and Whiskey: $-13.66

  • Vodka: $-13.14

This means that consumption was higher than the amount that should’ve been sold.

Looking at the Scotch and Whisky, the beverage cost is very high at 38.49%. The “ideal” beverage cost can vary depending on your market, but for liquor, anywhere between 15-20% is a good place to be.

Individual Item Variances

Further down on the report, you’ll see a breakdown by item. You’ll see the beginning inventory, the ending inventory, the amount consumed, the amount sold, and more.

For Jameson, it shows that during the period between partial inventories, we consumed 0.8 units, but only sold 0.4 units. This shows that there was potentially some over pouring or spillage in this period, or items were being poured but not being entered in the POS. This amounts to a variance of 10.29oz.

For the Absolut, it shows that 1.2 units were sold, but only 0.6 units were consumed. This is actually showing a positive variance, that less was used than sold.

However, when we look at the Grey Goose, we see that 0.6 units were sold, but 1.2 were consumed. In this case, it’s possible there were instances that Absolut was being punched in the POS, but Grey Goose was being poured instead.

As mentioned earlier, you need to make sure that your POS Item / Recipe mapping is correct, and that you’re not missing any sales data to confirm these numbers are accurate.

Note: To verify the sales data, you can go to Sales > Sales on the WISK Web Portal and enter the time range of the independent inventory by using “Custom range”.

If the data is correct, then it is possible this is a staff-related issue and can be addressed by your venue’s management.

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