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Inventory Report

How to view your inventory report after completing a count

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 9 months ago

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After completing an inventory count, you're emailed two types of reports in XLS format:

  1. Inventory Report by Item

  2. Inventory Report by Area

You can also view your completed inventory on the Inventories page of the WISK Web Portal and download additional report formats.

Emailed Reports

Inventory reports send to each user in the venue set to receive them. You can manage this under Venue Settings or the Team page. To learn more, see:

Note: If you didn't receive the inventory report, please see these troubleshooting steps.

Inventory Report by Item

This report provides a breakdown of the total count for each item and the dollar value of the inventory.

There are two tabs on the inventory report XLS , 1) Summary, and 2) By Item.

Summary Tab

This tab provides a high-level summary of your items, displaying:

  • Inventory start and end time

  • Total stock levels for each Family / Category

  • Total $ value for each Family / Category

Beverage Example

The "Summary Page" of an emailed Inventory report for bar / beverage.

Food Example

The "Summary Page" of an emailed Inventory report for restaurant / food

By Item Tab

This tab provides detailed information for each item in your inventory. Items are grouped by Family then Category, and for each item it displays:

  • WISK ID Number

  • Product Name

  • Item Size / Format (quantity and unit of measurement)

  • Unit Cost

  • Stock Level (units)

  • Stock Level (in your preferred Volume measurement - oz or ml)

  • $ Value (based on item cost)

Beverage Example

The "By Area" tab for beverage inventory

Food Example

The By Item tab of a restaurant / food inventory

Inventory Report by Area

This report provides a breakdown of item counts and dollar value by area.

There are two tabs on the inventory report XLS , 1) Summary, and 2) By Area

Summary Tab

This page provides a high-level summary of your counts by area, displaying:

  • Inventory start and end time

  • Total stock level for each area by item category

  • Total $ value for each area by item category

Beverage Example

An example of the Summary tab on the By Area Report for Beverage

Food Example

An example of the Summary tab on the By Area Report for Food

By Area Tab

This tab provides detailed information of the counts by area. For each area, items are grouped by Family then Category, and for each item it displays:

  • WISK ID Number

  • Product Name

  • Item Size / Format (quantity and unit of measurement)

  • Unit Cost

  • Stock Level (units)

  • Stock Level (in your preferred Volume measurement - oz or ml)

  • $ Value (based on item cost)

Beverage Example

The "By Area" tab for food inventory

Food Example

The "By Area" tab for food inventory

Item Costs

When the reports are generated, the "Unit Cost" for each item is based on the cost from the last invoice added before the inventory start time.

If an item doesn't have a cost assigned to it, the "Unit Cost" field displays in red text and shows a value of 0.

You can add missing costs manually on the Items page of the web or app, or by adding an invoice that includes the item.

After adding any missing costs, you can generate a new copies of the reports to get an accurate dollar value of your inventory.

Inventories Page

You can view your completed inventory counts on the Inventories page of the WISK Web Portal.

  1. Click "Inventories" then "Inventories" on the side menu bar

    An arrow points to the "Inventories" side menu button.

  2. Place your cursor over the "Details" column of a completed inventory and click the "..." icon

    An arrow points to the "..." details button.

By Item

By default, it shows you the inventory breakdown by item. You'll see the total value of the inventory, and for each item the quantity and the $ value. Items are grouped by Family and Category.

The view of an inventory by item. It shows the total dollar value of the inventory and the counts for each item.

If you mouseover an item count, it shows you the count by area:

The cursor has been placed over the "i" icon beside an item count and it shows a breakdown of where it was counted.

Note: There is also a "Main with Par" view that you can select that shows the par level you have set for each item. This is a quick way to compare and see which items are currently below par and should be ordered.

The "Main with Par" view that shows the set par level for each item

By Area

If you want to see your items separated by area, click the "By Area" tab on the top of the page.

An arrow points to the "By Area" tab.

You'll see your inventory areas and everything that was counted in them. For each area it shows the total number of items and the $ value.

The items are displayed by the areas they were counted in.

If you only want to see a specific area(s), you can filter them by using the "Filter by area" drop-down. You can select more than one area.

An arrow points to the "Filter by area" drop-down menu.

Other Reports

You can download additional reports and also regenerate either XLS (by item or by area) by clicking the "Actions" button.

The "Actions" button has been clicked and it shows the available options.

The following reports are available:

  • Download inventory report by item XLS - downloads an updated version of this report

  • Download inventory report by area XLS - downloads an updated version of this report

  • Download items by area XLS - a simplified version of the "by area" report that shows each item in a single row with the counts from each area

  • Email inventory report by item PDF - sends a PDF version of the by item report to your email

Note: When you download a report, it will have a "generated at" timestamp to help make sure you are looking at the most recent version.

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