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Weight-Based Items (g, lbs, etc)

How to count weight-based items when taking inventory

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

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When taking inventory, you can count weight-based items by:

  • full units / cases if they come in packaging (bags of flour or produce, canned items etc)

  • weighing them (partial packages or things like proteins sold by the lb or kg)

In the examples below, we'll show the different ways to count full and partial 5lb bags of red onions.

Full Units / Cases

  1. Tap the + buttons to add an amount for units and/or cases. You can also tap the number in between the buttons to type in the amount if it's a larger amount

    2x5lb bags of red onions have been counted.
  2. The counted amount displays on the "Confirm" button. In this example we have counted 2x 5lb bags of red onions. Tap it submit the count

Partial / By Weight

In addition to the full bags, we have one open bag that we need to count. There are a few ways to do this:

  1. Use the visual mode and estimate the amount remaining

  2. Enter a weight manually

  3. Use the supported Bluetooth Scale


  1. Tap the Visual Tab

    An arrow points to the "Visual" tab.

  2. Tap the % remaining

    An arrow points to 40%.

  3. After tapping a % amount, it converts to the unit of measurement of the item. In this example, 40% of the 5lb bag is 2lbs. The "Confirm" button shows the total count. Tap "Confirm" to submit the count.

    The "Confirm" button is highlighted and shows it is 2.4 x 5lb.

Enter a Weight Manually

If you don't have a supported model of Bluetooth scale, you can still enter weights of items manually. You might also have to do this if you have items that exceed the maximum weight capacity of the supported Bluetooth scales.

  1. On the "Weight" tab, tap the drop-down menu under the item image to change the unit of measurement if needed

  2. You can select from select from Gram, Kilogram, Pound (Lb) or Dry Ounce. In this example we'll select Pound (Lb)

    Note: If you select a unit of measurement different than the default unit of measurement for the item, it remembers that selection the next time you count that item in the same area.

  3. Tap the field beside the unit of measurement and enter the weight

  4. After entering the weight, the "Confirm" button shows the total count. In this example 1.85lbs of red onions converts to 0.37 of a 5lb bag. In addition to the 2 full units we counted earlier, it's a total of 2.37 units. Tap "Confirm" to submit the count.

Supported Bluetooth Scale

Note: The weight capacities of the supported models of Bluetooth scale range between 5kg / 11 lbs and 6kg / 13 lbs. Don’t place anything on the scale that exceeds the capacity. If you have heavier items, we recommend you weigh them on a scale that can support them, and then enter the value manually.

If using the supported Bluetooth scale, when connected, the interface updates to show the scale reading.

If you run into difficulties connecting the scale, please see this article:

Place the item on the scale, and the reading converts from grams to the selected unit of measurement. In the example below, the scale provided a reading of 840g, which converted to 1.85lbs. Tap “Confirm” to submit.


If you have taken an item out of its packaging and placed it in a different container (sugar, flour etc), you can create containers and add their weights.

This ensures that when you place the item on the scale, it subtracts the weight of the container to give you the correct amount.

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