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Ideal Stock Days

How to view and set your ideal stock days. Ideal stock days can be set for the venue and individual distributors

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

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Ideal stock days are the length of time you want to have items in stock before needing to place an order. Ideal stock days are important because they’re used to calculate WISK Par.

WISK Par recommends the amount of each item you should order to have enough stock to last the ideal stock days, based on the rate of consumption from your previous 6 weeks of data. Learn more:

You can set ideal stock days at both the venue, or distributor level.

When suggesting the amount to order, it will go by the venue level unless it has been specified for the distributor.

  • For Beverage-focused accounts (WISK Bar), your ideal stock days are set to 14 days by default for the venue and all distributors.

  • For Food-focused accounts (WISK Restaurant), your ideal stock days are set to 7 days by default for the venue and all distributors.

Viewing & Setting Ideal Stock Days

Venue Level

To view or set your ideal stock days at the venue level, you must access the Venue Settings.

  1. To access the Venue Settings, either:

    1. Place your cursor over your username on the bottom-left corner and click “Venue Settings”

      The "Venue Settings" menu button is highlighted.
    2. From the “Prepare Orders” page, click the pencil icon beside “Ideal stock days” on the top-left corner

      The "Ideal Stock Days" on the Prepare Orders screen are highlighted.

  2. In the Venue Settings window, click into the “Ideal stock days” field and change the value

    The "Venue Settings" window with the "Ideal Stock Days" field highlighted at the bottom of the window

  3. The WISK Par values for all of your items recalculate based on the new ideal stock days (this may take a few moments)

Distributor Level

When ideal stock days are set at a distributor level, it takes priority over the venue level.

To view or set your ideal stock days at the distributor level:

  1. Click “Items” > “Distributors”

    "Items" has been clicked on the side menu bar and "Distributors" is highlighted.

  2. Place your cursor over the distributor and click the “...” under the Details column

    An arrow points to the "..." button beside the distributor in the Details column.

  3. Click into the “Ideal stock days” field and enter the new value

    The "Ideal stock days" field is highlighted. The current stock days are set to 14 for this distributor.
  4. The updated “Ideal stock days” have been set for the distributor, and the WISK par recalculates accordingly

    The ideal stock days have been updated to 7 for this distributor.

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