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What is WISK Par?

WISK calculates recommended pars for each item based on your usage / consumption over time

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 5 months ago

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As you use WISK, your consumption and sales data is used to provide recommended par levels for each item.

These are called WISK Par (Consumption), and WISK Par (Sales). They are calculated by using:

  1. your last 6 weeks of consumption and sales data

WISK Par is the amount of stock you should have to last the ideal stock days (based on your current rate of consumption and sales), and suggests the amount needed to get up to that level based on your current stock.

Because of this, it’s important to make sure:

  1. your consumption data is accurate by taking consistent inventory counts and adding all of your invoices.

  2. your POS Items are all mapped with the correct recipes and amounts

Note: Using WISK Par is optional and you can always set your own par levels

WISK Par (Consumption) vs WISK Par (Sales)

The system calculates separate WISK Pars based on your Consumption and Sales.

This provides some redundancy as a fallback, but also helps cover any potential data issues.

For example if you aren't adding all your invoices, you won't have accurate consumption data, so your WISK Par (Consumption) won't be accurate. But if all your sales are mapped, you can still rely on WISK Par (Sales).

The same can be said if your sales aren't fully mapped, but you have been adding all invoices and taking accurate inventory counts.

This way you can still benefit from the data inside WISK while your account is getting into good shape.

If you have minimal variances on items, the pars should be close to the same value. However, the difference in these pars can also help spot variances.

For example, if your WISK Par (Consumption) is higher than your WISK Par (Sales), this indicates your consumption has been higher than sales for the past 6 weeks.

Viewing WISK Par

The WISK Par (Consumption) and WISK Par (Sales) columns appear on both the Items and Prepare Orders pages.

The WISK Par columns are highlighted on the Prepare Orders Page.

Place your cursor over the information icon beside the value in either column and you’ll see a breakdown of your rate of consumption/sales based on the past 6 weeks of data.

This number looks at this rate and adjusts it based on the ideal stock days you have set.

WISK Par (Consumption)

By hovering over the "i" icon beside a WISK Par, you'll see a breakdown of the rate of consumption.

In the example above, based on the wine's stock of 24 units and average daily consumption of around 5.3 units, WISK recommends 75 units to last 14 stock days.

WISK Par (Sales)

By hovering over the "i" icon beside a WISK Par, you'll see a breakdown of the rate of consumption.

In the example above, based on the wine's stock of 24 units and average daily sales of around 5.1 units, WISK recommends 72 units to last 14 stock days.

Not Enough Information

If there isn't enough data to generate a WISK Par, the field is blank and displays a message if you hover your cursor over it:

WISK Par (Consumption)
"There is not enough data, we need at least two inventories in the last 6 weeks to compute the WISK par (Consumption)"

WISK Par (Sales)

"There is not enough data to compute the WISK Par (Sales). The item must be mapped to at least one POS Item and have 6 weeks of sales data.

Ordering with WISK Par

By ordering based on the WISK Par, you should have enough stock to last the ideal stock days based on your current rate of consumption or sales. You can use the pre-fill option or click in the respective “Based on WISK Par” column to add that amount to your cart.

the "Based on WISK par" sections of the prefill option is highlighted.

If you typically place orders right after taking an inventory count, you will want to prefill based on your Stock.

If you take inventory less frequently, for example every month, but still want to make use of WISK Pars, we recommend prefilling based on your Real Time Stock.

To learn more about using pars in ordering and real time stock, please see:

Note: You can currently only Prefill by WISK Par on the WISK Web Portal. This feature isn't available in the iOS app.

Ordering Example

In the example below, we have just taken an inventory and have 2 cases (24 units) of our wine. We want to order more, and this item must be ordered in cases of 12 units.

The ideal stock days are set to 14 days, and based on the current stock of 24 units we have the following par levels and suggested ordering amounts:

  • WISK Par (Consumption) = 75 units, Suggested = 5 cases (60 units)

  • WISK Par (Sales) = 72 units, Suggested = 4 cases (48 units)

  • Your Par = 50 units, Suggested = 3 cases (36 units)

Note: Since this item can only be ordered by the case, it has to round up the amount to order to the next full case.

Based on this we can see the current "Your Par" is set too low for ordering every two weeks and you risk running out of stock.

By using the WISK Par it eliminates the guesswork and ensures you’re ordering the right amount when you need it, instead of over or under ordering.

Setting Ideal Stock Days

If using a Beverage account, your default ideal stock days are set to 14 days for all distributors.

If using a Food account, your default ideal stock days are set to 7 days for all distributors.

If you click the pencil icon beside the ideal stock days, you can set a new amount.

An arrow points to the pencil icon beside "Ideal Stock Days"

You can also set ideal stock days for individual distributors on the “Distributors” page if you place orders with them more or less frequently than others.

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