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Prepared/Processed Item Yields

If an item needs to be prepped/processed before it's used in a dish, you can set the yield on an item itself or by using the batches feature

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

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When you receive an item, the whole amount may not be sellable/usable in a dish. It might have to be prepped/processed first. This includes trimming meat, peeling produce, or even cooking.

For example, you receive 1kg of salmon, but it needs to be cleaned/trimmed before it can be used in a dish. After it’s ready, you have 750g remaining.

To account for this so that your costing is accurate, you can set the yield of the item.

There are currently two ways to do this:

  1. Set the yield percentage at the item level (new feature)

  2. Create a batch for the processed item yield (historical)

By setting up a yield, the cost of the 1kg of salmon applies to the prepared 750g.

Yield - At Item Level

This method allows you to set the yield percentage at the item level.

Note: This is only available in WISK Restaurant accounts.

  1. From the "Items" page, place your cursor over the item and click the Edit button (pencil icon)

    An arrow points to the "Edit" button on the Items page.
  2. Click and drag the "Yields" slider to set the yield percentage. The yield percentage is then multiplied by the item measurement. Using our salmon example, we know that 1kg of salmon fillet yields 750g, so we would set the yield percentage to 75%.

    An animated gif showing the Yields slider being dragged to the desired percentage (75%).
  3. The yield percentage has been set, and your costing will be accurate when adding the item to batches or POS Items

Using in a Recipe or Batch

1. Find the POS Item or Batch on it’s corresponding page and click the “Ingredients” column

An arrow points to the "Ingredients" column for the "Seared Salmon" POS Item.

2. Click into the “Search for ingredient” field and type the name of the item. Click the matching item to add it. In this example, Salmon Fillet.

An arrow points to the "Salmon Fillet" search result in the "Search for ingredient" field.

3. Enter the amount of the ingredient used in the “Quantity” field, and select the unit of measurement. In this recipe, we use 125g of Salmon Fillet. Then click “Add”

125g of the Salmon Fillet has been entered and an arrow points to the "Add" button.

4. The ingredient is added to the POS Item. The cost reflects the amount of the ingredient used based on the yield that was set. You can then add the rest of your ingredients.

The Salmon Fillet is added to the POS Item and the cost has updated.

If the yield had not been set, then the cost of the ingredient would appear as lower than it actually is. In this example, 1kg of Salmon Fillet is $20.

Without Set Yield - 0.125kg / 1kg * $20 = $2.50

With Set Yield - 0.125kg / 0.750kg *$20 = $3.33

Yield - Creating a Batch (Historical)

Note: Before you were able to set the yield at the item level, you needed to create a batch for the processed item. This section is intended for users that were previously using this method.

1. From the “Batches” page, click “Actions” > “Create New Batch”

On the "Batches" page, the "Actions" button is highlighted, and an arrow points to the "Create new batch" button on the drop down list.

2. Give the batch name that describes the prepared item and set the quantity of the yield. In this example, we’ll put “Salmon Fillet (Prepared)” and set the yield to be 750g. Click “Save”.

Note: The value set for the yield should be based on an average to account for variation.

The quantity and unit of measurement is set to 750g and an arrow points to the "Save" button.

3. Click into the “Search for ingredient” field and type the item you want to add. Click the match in the search results. In this example, we’ll select ‘Salmon Fillet”

Salmon has been entered into the "Search for ingredient" field and "Salmon Fillet" appears in the search results.

4. Add the amount of the ingredient that is required to achieve the set yield. In this example, we’ll add 1kg of Salmon Fillet to achieve our desired yield of 750g. Click the “Add” button.

1kg of Salmon Fillet has been entered and an arrow points to the "Add" button.

5. The amount is added to the batch, and the yield has been set.

The 1kg of "Salmon Fillet"  has been added to the "Salmon Fillet (Prepared)"

Using in a Recipe or Batch

With the yield set, you can then use it in other batches or POS Items to get accurate costing.

1. Find the POS Item or Batch on it’s corresponding page and click the “Ingredients” column

An arrow points to the "Ingredients" column for the "Seared Salmon" POS Item.

2. In this example, we have a POS Item called “Seared Salmon”. Click into the “Search for ingredient” field and type the name of the prepared ingredient. Click the matching item to add it. In this example, Salmon Fillet (Prepared).

An arrow points to the "Salmon Fillet (Prepared)" search result in the "Search for ingredient" field.

3. Enter the amount of the ingredient used in the “Quantity” field, and select the unit of measurement. In this recipe, we use 125g of Salmon Fillet (Prepared). Then click “Add”

125g of the Salmon Fillet (Prepared) has been entered and an arrow points to the "Add" button.

4. The ingredient is added to the POS Item. The cost reflects the amount of the ingredient used based on the yield that was set. You can then add the rest of your ingredients.

The Salmon Fillet (Prepared) is added to the POS Item and the cost has updated.

If the yield had not been set, then the cost of the ingredient would appear as lower than it actually is. In this example, 1kg of Salmon Fillet is $20.

Without Set Yield - 0.125kg / 1kg * $20 = $2.50

With Set Yield - 0.125kg / 0.750kg *$20 = $3.33

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