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When taking inventory, some areas in your venue may have a weak wi-fi connection, or no connection at all (cellars, fridges, etc.)
This isn’t an issue, because the WISK mobile app can scan, count and even create new items entirely offline.
All of your data is saved locally and then transferred to the cloud when your device reconnects to the internet.
Note: You only need to have a network connection when you begin the inventory count. You can count while offline, but we recommend being online when you submit the count.
When uploading an invoice via the app, if it can't communicate with the server in the moment, it will try again later.
Inventory Counts
Checking Offline Data
When taking an inventory count, the mobile app tracks how many operations haven't synced with the server. This data is only on your device and no other users in your venue will see it until it syncs.
If you have offline data, there are a few indicators in the mobile app:
A "Cloud" icon appears at the top of the screen when you are offline or have a weak internet connection. Tapping the icon displays a message saying you're offline
On the area selector screen, it shows the number of "Unsynced offline operations". These are actions you have taken in the app while offline
Beside each area it will say "(Not Synced with Web)" if you counted items in that area while offline
If you minimize the app, the number of unsynced operations also appear on the app icon.
Unsynced operations only appear on your device. Items you counted while offline won't appear on the web, or on devices of other users taking inventory.
When you reconnect to the internet, the message clears when the data is synced with the server. Your data will appear on the web and devices of other users taking inventory.
Leaving the Inventory While Offline
As mentioned earlier, when you start or join an ongoing inventory you need to have an active network connection.
While offline, you can count areas and even submit the inventory. Everything will sync with the WISK servers when your network connection is restored.
However, once you are in the inventory and offline, we do not recommend backing out of it to perform other actions in the app. Most other actions or switching between accounts requires a network connection.
Important: If you back out of the inventory while offline you won't be able to go back in until your network connection is restored.
If you try to back out of the inventory while offline you'll see the following prompt to confirm this action:
Tapping "Exit" will make you confirm this action before leaving the inventory. Dismiss closes the window and you remain in the inventory.
If you tap "Yes, Exit" you will leave the inventory and require an active network connection to go back into the inventory.
Submitting the Inventory Count While Offline
If you finish counting all areas while offline, you can still submit the inventory count.
Important: While you can submit an inventory count while offline, we strongly recommend trying to get your device back online and synced. This is especially true if you are offline and multiple users are counting.
When you tap "Review and submit inventory" you'll see a pop-up telling you that you have unsynced areas.
If you continue and tap "Submit inventory", you'll see this message as your last opportunity to reconnect to the internet.
If you tap Confirm, the inventory is submitted - but it will not appear on the web or other user's devices until you reconnect to the internet.
When you go to the "Inventories" page you'll see a message saying the inventory was submitted while offline. At this point you will need to connect to the internet. This is to ensure that it syncs with the web. You cannot take any other inventory counts until your device syncs.
Multiple Users & Offline Mode
If you have multiple users participating in an inventory count, all of the counts synchronize when the offline device reconnects to the internet.
In the example below, items in an area are counted in the WISK mobile app while offline. As soon as the device connects to the internet, the counted items appear in the summary of the area on other devices/browsers.
Scanning/Uploading Invoices
If you are scanning or uploading an invoice using the WISK mobile app, if it fails to communicate with the server, it will try again later as long as the app is open (either as the active app or in the background).
This eliminates the need to try and send an invoice multiple times if it fails due to you being offline, or the WISK server can't be reached.
You will see the following message display after submitting the invoice if you are offline or your network connection is weak:
Just keep the app open (either active or in the background) and no further action is required on your end.
A banner also displays to let you know there are invoices that haven't been uploaded yet.
The banner disappears when you reconnect to the internet and the invoices get uploaded. Another message indicates they were uploaded successfully.
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