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New User Guide

If you have recently started at a venue that uses WISK, this provides an overview of the system and links to resources

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

Article Overview

What is WISK?

WISK is the key to improving your food and beverage operations. Our software:

  • speeds up inventory counts and ordering

  • provides accurate costing

  • identifies losses, and more

You can use WISK via:

Most of our users use the app for taking inventory and adding invoices, and the web for placing orders and viewing reports.

The Basic Actions

How you use WISK depends on your subscription plan and the features available to you. For more information, please see our pricing page.

Regardless of your plan, WISK runs on having good data.

The key to success is performing a regularly scheduled inventory. For users on Essentials or higher, you must add all your invoices into the system.

This ensures you know exactly how much product is used between your inventory counts. In WISK, this is called consumption.

Taking Inventory

When taking inventory, your venue is divided into inventory areas (anywhere that stock is stored). Just enter an area in the app, and start counting. Seeing all of your areas and their status means you won't miss any before finishing the count.

Since your venue has most likely completed at least one inventory, you can use the "List View" when counting.

For each inventory area in your venue, you'll see a list of every item that was counted, in the order it was submitted last time. Adjust the previous count, and submit the new amount. Making use of this feature speeds up your inventory count.

Adding Invoices

Whenever your venue receives new stock, you must enter the invoice into WISK. You can add invoices from orders that have been generated in WISK, or you can enter an invoice manually (for any orders you didn't generate in WISK):

Note: If your plan includes invoice processing, you can snap a picture or upload a pdf/image if your invoices and our team will take care of the rest.


By taking regular inventory and adding invoices, this provides you with accurate consumption data. 

Consumption = Starting Inventory + Invoices - Ending Inventory

We use this data to identify your overstock, understock, deadstock, and suggest how much stock you should order (WISK Par). 

If your POS is integrated with WISK, we also compare sales to your consumption to identify overpouring / spillage (see the Variance section below).

Accurate consumption is the key to getting the most value from WISK.

Placing Orders

After taking an inventory, it's best practice to generate your orders to your distributors.

You can set your par levels and use the auto-fill feature to quickly add products to your order. With accurate consumption data, you can also pre-fill using the WISK Par. We track your usage of products and recommend how much you should order to ensure you have the correct amount on hand.


If your POS is integrated with WISK, we pull your sales information into the system. 

For each item in your POS, you'll add the recipe so WISK knows how much product you are using each time an item is punched. Your items may already have recipes added, but as you add new items in your POS you'll have to add recipes to them.

Whenever you complete an inventory, WISK compares your sales to your consumption to see your variance. 

It compares how much you should've sold based on your recipes, to how much you actually used based on your invoices and inventory count.

An example of an item's variance.

By getting your variance as small as possible, you'll increase the profitability of your venue. To learn more, please see:

Updating Your User Account

If you have taken over a pre-existing user account, make sure to update your user information. Learn more here:

If your user account has Admin permissions, you may also want to review the user accounts and see if any users need to be removed. Learn more here:

Additional Training & Resources

To help you learn how to use WISK, we've prepared a number of articles, videos and tutorials. Learn more here:

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