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Adding Distributors to your Venue

Before you can place orders or add invoices, you must create your distributors and assign them to your items

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 4 months ago

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Adding your distributors and assigning them to your items is important because it allows you to generate orders and add your invoices.

Generating your orders in WISK saves time, and adding your invoices is the only way to get accurate data about your venue’s usage / consumption and item costing.

If the WISK Invoicing team processes invoices for you, you'll need to add your distributors before you can upload invoices into your account. if you add the distributors ahead of time it will speed up

WISK Web Portal

Adding Distributors

To add a distributor:

  1. Click “Items” > “Distributors” on the left-hand menu bar

    The "Distributors" side menu option is highlighted.

  2. Click “Actions” > “Add Distributor”

    The "Actions" menu button is highlighted an an arrow points to "Add Distributor" on the drop-down list.

    Note: If you have a large number of distributors, you can use our distributor upload template instead. Learn more: Importing Distributors into your Venue

    Note: For Beverage venues based in Canada, the LCBO and SAQ are added automatically if in Ontario or Quebec.

  3. Type the name of the distributor in the “Name” field. Any matches in the WISK database display.

Distributor Search - Match Found

Distributor Search - No Match Found

  1. Other Details

    • Ideal Stock Days - This is used by WISK to recommend how much to order based on your current stock. This can be set at both the venue and/or distributor level - Learn More

    • GL Account - Part of the accounting integration - Learn More

    • Exclude Price From Purchase Orders - When sending order emails to distributors, it won’t include the item costs

    • Auto Ordering - Automatically generates a purchase order based on your par levels after an inventory count is completed - Learn More

    Note: You can add or change this information at any time if you don’t want to add it now

    The "Name" field is highlighted on the New Distributor window.
  2. Click “Save”

    The distributor name has been entered and the "Save" button is highlighted.
  3. The distributor is added to your venue. If you wish to add contacts for the supplier (including email and phone number), click the “Details” button. You can add as many contacts to a distributor as needed. Add more distributors as needed

    The distributor has been added to the venue's list of distributors.

Adding Distributor Contacts

By adding contacts to a distributor, when you generate orders to them in WISK, the email and phone number fields are automatically populated.

To add a contact to a distributor:

  1. Click the "Details" button beside the distributor

    An arrow points to the details button
  2. Scroll down to the "Contacts" section. Enter the contact's name and provide an email address and/or phone number

    The Name, Email, and Phone Number fields are highlighted

  3. Click "Add"

    An arrow points to the "Add" button

    Note: You must provide at least an email address or phone number before you can click "Add"

  4. The contact is added to the distributor. Add additional contacts if needed

    The contact has been added to the distributor
  5. The contacts appear in the "Contacts" column for the distributor

    The contacts show for the distributor

Assigning Distributors to Items

Now that you've created your distributors, you can assign/link them to your items.

You can assign distributors to Items on the “Items” page of the WISK Web Portal.

You can assign distributors to an item individually, or select multiple items.

Filter by Missing Distributor

To help see which items need a distributor assigned to them, click “Predefined filters” and select “Missing Distributor”.

If this filter is applied, items disappear from view as you assign a distributor to them. This way you can quickly work through your item list.

The "Predefined filters" dropdown has been clicked and an arrow points to "Missing Distributor".

Note: If you click “Add missing distributors” on the Home screen, it takes you to the Items page with this filter applied.

Individual Items

  1. Click into the distributor field of an item

    An arrow points to the empty "Distributor" column of an item.
  2. Select a distributor from the drop-down menu to assign it to the item

    The "Distributor" field has been clicked and an arrow points to a distributor on the list.

    Note: If the distributor hasn’t been added to your venue yet, click “New Distributor”. This takes you through the “Adding Distributors” flow above.

  3. The distributor is now assigned to the item. If the “Missing Distributor” filter is applied, it disappears from view.

    The distributor has been assigned to the item and appears in the "Distributor" column.

Multi-Select Items

To assign a distributor to multiple items at once:

  1. Click the checkboxes beside each item, then click “Distributor” on the side menu bar.

    The checkboxes beside the items have been clicked and a side menu appears. An arrow points to "Distributor" on the menu.
  2. Select the distributor you want to assign to the items from the drop-down list

    An arrow points to the distributor to select.
  3. Click “OK” on the confirmation pop-up window

    The "OK" button on the confirmation window is highlighted.
  4. The distributor has been assigned to all selected items. If the “Missing Distributor” filter is applied, they all disappear from view.

    The distributor has been assigned to all of the selected items.

Note: If an item that doesn't have a distributor assigned to it is added to an invoice, it will be assigned to the distributor on the invoice automatically.

Spreadsheet Upload

Alternatively, you can download a spreadsheet of your venue’s items and add this information in the “Distributor” column and upload it. To learn more, please see:

Mobile App

Adding Distributors

To add a distributor:

  1. From the “More” screen, tap “Venue Settings”

    An arrow points to the Venue Settings button.
  2. Tap “Distributors”

    An arrow points to the "Distributors" button.
  3. Tap the + button at the top right of the screen

    An arrow points to the "+" button on the distributors screen.
  4. Enter the name of the distributor. If you’d like to add a contact at this time, tap
    “Add distributor contact”. You can add as many contacts for the distributor as needed.

    The "Title" field is highlighted for emphasis.

    Note: You can add distributor contacts at a later time in the app or WISK Web Portal.

  5. Tap “Save”

    The "Save" button is highlighted.
  6. The distributor is added to your distributor list. Add more distributors as needed

    The added distributor now appears in the distributor list.

Adding Distributor Contacts

By adding contacts to a distributor, when you generate orders to them in WISK, the email and phone number fields are automatically populated.

To add a contact to a distributor:

  1. On the "Distributors" page, swipe a distributor to the left

    An arrow gestures to swipe the distributor to the left
  2. Tap "Edit"

    An arrow points to the "Edit" button

  3. Tap "Add distributor contact"

    An arrow points to the "Add distributor contact" button
  4. Enter the contact's name and email address. You can also provide a phone number. Tap "Save"

    The details for the distributor contact have been entered and an arrow points to the "Save" button
  5. The contact is added to the distributor. You can add more contacts if needed. When finished, tap "Save"

    The contact has been added to the distributor.

Assigning Distributors to Items

When assigning distributors to items on the mobile app, you can only do it one at a time.

  1. From the “Items” screen, tap “View general” and then tap “View distributor” from the drop-down list

    The "View general" drop down list has been tapped an an arrow points to "View distributor"

    Note: You can also tap “Add missing distributors” from the checklist on the home screen

  2. Tap “Set distributor”

    An arrow points to the "Set distributor" button.
  3. Tap the “Distributor” field

    An arrow points to the "Distributor" field on the "Change Distributor" window.
  4. Tap a distributor from the list to select it

    An arrow points to the distributor to select from the list.

    Note: If you don’t have any distributors yet, tap “Manage distributors” and follow the steps in “Adding Distributors

  5. Tap “Save”

    The "Save" button is highlighted.

    Note: You can also add the distributor code at this time

  6. The distributor is assigned to the item

    The selected distributor now appears under the item.

Note: If an item that doesn't have a distributor assigned to it is added to an invoice, it will be assigned to the distributor on the invoice automatically.

Distributor Codes

For each item, you can also add a distributor code. Distributors may have unique codes for their products that appear on invoices and are used for ordering. Some distributors may require these when placing orders with them to ensure you’re getting the correct product.

On the WISK Web Portal, you can enter it in the “Distributor Code” column or when editing an item.

On the mobile app, you can add it when assigning the distributor or editing an item.

Items with Multiple Distributors

For items that have more than one distributor, you can use the items variation feature:

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