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If your venue has a large number of distributors, you can import them into your account using our spreadsheet template instead of adding them individually.
Importing Distributors using the Template
To import your distributors into the WISK Web Portal:
Click “Items” then "Distributors"
Click “Actions” then “Import distributors from Excel file”
You can then either download the template with your current list of distributors, or an empty template.
Empty template - Use this if you’re adding new distributors
Existing template - Use this if you need to edit or add multiple contacts to an existing distributor
Empty Template
In the empty template, fill out the following fields for each of your distributors:
Distributor Name
Name (this is the name of your contact at the distributor)
Note: You must include either the contact's email or phone number for the template to upload successfully.
Don’t fill in the WISK Distributor ID and Contact UUID. These fields will populate automatically after you have imported the distributors.
If a distributor has more than one contact, just copy the distributor name and add the details in a new row. In the example below, there are 2 contacts for “Import Example 2”.
After you’ve added all of your distributors and their contacts, you’ll upload the filled-out template.
Uploading the Empty Template
Return to the “Import Distributors from Excel File” screen and click “Browse” and select the file
Click “Upload”
The new distributors with contacts appear in your list of distributors, and can now be assigned to your items
Existing Template
If you need to add or edit multiple contacts for your existing distributors, you can download a template spreadsheet that contains your distributor data.
In this template, you’ll see that the WISK Distributor ID and Contact UUID fields are filled out.
If you are adding contacts to a distributor, copy the following fields and paste them into a row below:
WISK Distributor ID
Distributor Name
Then fill out the name, email, and phone number of the contact.
Note: Leave the Contact UUID fields blank for any new contacts, they’ll be populated when the template is uploaded.
You can make any changes to the existing contacts by updating the contents of the fields.
Note: You can add new distributors as well by filling out the necessary fields (see “Import Example 4” in the image above)
Uploading the Existing Template
Return to the “Import Distributors from Excel File” screen and click “Browse” and select the file
Click “Upload”
The updated / new contacts appear under the distributors. Any new distributors display as well