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Draft Invoices - Client Review Needed

How to handle invoices that get marked for you review. These are invoices the WISK Team cannot process without your assistance

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

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If the WISK Team processes your invoices, issues are sometimes flagged for your review. These appear in the "Client Review Needed" section.

These are invoices the team is unable to process without your assistance.

These are either:

  • reported by a member of the processing team or

  • automatic if an invoice doesn't pass validation rules

The team cannot move ahead with processing these invoices until you have reviewed and resolved the issue.

Note: If you process your own invoices without the WISK Team, members of your team can apply these statuses to invoices as well.

Alternatively, if you have opted for the WISK Team to process your draft invoices, but not convert them, they appear under "Client Review Needed" for you to approve.

Viewing Invoices Needing Review

WISK Web Portal

If invoices are flagged for review, you'll see a notification on the dashboard on the WISK Web Portal:

An arrow points to the "Client Review Needed" section

Clicking it takes you to the "Client Review Needed" section that shows each invoice and its status.

The "Client Review Needed" tab is underlined and the statuses are highlighted.

Click the details button beside a draft invoice to see the issue and required fix.

Mobile App

Any invoices that are flagged for review appear on the "Home" screen. Tap "View" to see them.

An arrow points to the "View" button

Alternatively, you can view them by taking the following steps:

  1. On the Orders tab, tap "Draft invoices history"

    An arrow points to the "Draft invoices history" button

  2. The page is automatically filtered to show draft invoices flagged with an issue. The "Status" field shows the issue with the invoice. Tap an invoice to open it

    The "View" is highlighted to show the "Invoices with issues" filter is applied.

Email Notification

Whenever an issue on an invoice is flagged, an email is also sent to users in the venue with:

  • the reason why the invoice was flagged

  • a direct link to the invoice on the WISK Web Portal

  • a link to the help article on how to fix it

  • a link to download the invoice

An example of the email message that gets sent if the invoice is flagged

Processing Team Reported Issue

For issues reported by the processing team, draft invoices have the following statuses:

Missing Pages

An invoice is marked as "Missing Pages" if not all pages of the invoice have been included together in the same PDF.

For example, if there is only one page in a PDF and it says "Page 2 of 2" and there are missing line items from the invoice / it won't add up to the reported total.

In this example, the invoice:

  1. Is page 2 of 2

  2. The total is $1,200 but the line items only add up to $600

Without the first page, it's impossible to know the quantity and the price of the first two items.

Fixing the Issue

To fix the issue, you can either:

  1. upload the missing pages to the existing draft invoice (web only)

  2. reupload the invoice with all pages included

WISK Web Portal

  1. Click the"Fix" button beside the status

  2. In the upload window, you can either:

    1. Add the missing pages to the invoice

      1. Click "Click here to add more files"

        An arrow points to the "Click here to add more files" button
      2. Select the file(s) from your computer. They get added to the invoice. You can drag and drop to re-arrange the page order

        The pages have been added and re-arranged

    2. or remove the current file and upload the full invoice

      1. Place your cursor over the existing page(s) and click the "Remove" button

        An arrow points to the "Remove page" button

      2. Click "Click here to add more files" and select the file(s) from your computer

        An arrow points to the "Click here to add more files" button

      Note: If you don't have the file(s) on your computer you can also reupload the invoice using the mobile app.

  3. When finished selecting your files, click "Submit"

    An arrow points to the "Submit" button
  4. The updated files are uploaded and the current draft invoice is archived. The new draft invoice opens in a window. When the character recognition process completes it goes back to the "Ready for Review" status for the processing team

    The invoice is reuploaded and goes back to Ready for Review

Mobile App

If you don't have a PDF of the invoice to upload, you can take new scans using the mobile app.

  1. Tap the invoice on the "Draft invoice history" page

  2. Tap "Reupload"

    An arrow points to the "Reupload" button
  3. Take new scans of all invoice pages and submit

  4. The invoice is reuploaded. When the character recognition process completes it goes back to the "Ready for Review" status for the processing team

Uploading Tips

When uploading an invoice, all pages of the invoice should be in the same PDF.

If you upload or email a separate PDF for each page, those will upload as separate invoices.

If you are uploading them on the web, you will have an option to combine the PDFs.

The team will do their best to merge the PDFs if they are separate files, but uploading them together to begin with won't delay the processing team.


An invoice is marked as "Unreadable" if it's too blurry for the invoice processing team to read it. The invoice could also have been submitted with something obstructing part of it.

This happens most often when taking pictures of the invoice using your iOS device.

The character recognition process can extract some of the data, but not enough for our team to convert the invoice.

In these examples you can see that the images are too blurry to read, or are obstructed by something else (sometimes a receipt that is stapled to the page, etc.).

Examples of unreadable invoices

Fixing the Issue

To fix the issue, you will need to reupload the invoice.

WISK Web Portal

  1. Click the "Fix" button beside the status

  2. Place your cursor over the existing page(s) and click Remove

    An arrow points to the "Remove page" button
  3. Click "Click here to add more files" and select the file(s) from your computer

    An arrow points to the "Click here to add more files" button

    Note: If you don't have the file(s) on your computer you can also reupload the invoice using the mobile app

  4. When finished selecting your files, click "Submit"

    An arrow points to the "Submit" button

  5. The updated files are uploaded and the current draft invoice is archived. The new draft invoice opens in a window. When the character recognition process completes it goes back to the "Ready for Review" status for the processing team

    The invoice is reuploaded and gets set to "Ready for Review"

Mobile App

If you don't have a PDF of the invoice to upload, you can take new scans using the mobile app.

  1. Tap the invoice on the "Draft invoice history" page

  2. Tap "Reupload"

    An arrow points to the "Reupload" button
  3. Take new scans of all invoice pages and submit

  4. The invoice is reuploaded. When the character recognition process completes it goes back to the "Ready for Review" status for the processing team

Uploading Tips

To help prevent this issue moving forward, if you have the invoice PDF from the distributor, upload it directly on the web or email it to your venue's unique email address.

This prevents any issues that can come up when taking a picture using your device.

If you have to take pictures, we recommend using the WISK app or a scanner app. This crops and brightens the image to make it easier to read.

Taking regular pictures often gets extra background and makes it harder for the image recognition software.

Showing a "Good" upload vs a "Bad" Upload

Note: In some cases, if the PDF file is sent via email and is corrupted, it will automatically switch to the "Unreadable" status.

Missing Information

An invoice marked as "Missing information" means there's missing information or context preventing the WISK team from converting the invoice.

This could be the size of an item is unclear, or the case size is unknown, etc.

This usually happens if there are new items on the invoice that aren't already in the venue.

If a draft invoice has the status of missing information, there will be notes asking for clarification on the affected line items.

Note: You can only review invoices with this status on the WISK Web Portal. If you check it in the mobile app it will direct you to the web.

The draft invoice with the status of missing information as it appears in the app

In this example invoice, there is a new beer item. On the invoice it doesn't specify the size/measurement of an individual unit or the size of the case.

An example of an item on an invoice where it would be set as missing information

Any line items with notes are highlighted in red and show the number of comments:

An arrow points to the line item with notes

You can use the "Needs attention" predefined filter to only show these items.

An arrow points to the "Needs attention" filter

Note: If you have multiple invoices with the "Missing information" status, when you click the arrow to go to the next invoice, the "Needs attention" filter remains applied.

The "Needs attention" filter is applied and an arrow points to the next arrow

Checking Comments / Notes

To check and respond to comments:

  1. Click the line item to expand it and click "Missing information"

    An arrow points to the "Missing information" button

  2. The note explains what information is missing. In this example, it's a new item and the case size and item size are unclear based on the invoice. Click in the "Reply" section to respond

    The conversation about the draft invoice line

  3. Add your response to the note left by the team and click "Send and mark as resolved"

    An arrow points to the "Send" button

  4. Your response is added to the thread. If there are other line items with notes, please check and response to those as well

    The comment has been responded to and will be shared with the WISK team

    Note: While not required, you can also add this missing information to the appropriate fields after responding to the note and clicking "Save" on the line item

  5. After responding to all notes, the invoice status goes back to "Ready for Review". The WISK Team will check your comments and complete the invoice. If it doesn't go back to "Ready for Review" check that you have viewed and responded to all comments

    The "Ready for Review" status is highlighted for visibility

Automatic Issue

When you upload an invoice, it gets validated to make sure it can be processed properly by the team. The main statuses are

Note: There are a few other validation rules related to emailing invoices that prevent an invoice from being uploaded to a venue. This includes if the email contains no valid attachments, or is sent to an email address that doesn't exist. To learn more, see:

Check for Multiple Invoices

An invoice marked as "Check for multiple invoices" contains more than 5 pages.

In most cases, an invoice shouldn't be more than 5 pages long. If an invoice contains more than 5 pages it's possible the file contains multiple invoices.

To resolve this issue you'll need to either:

  1. Split the invoice file into separate invoices using the built-in splitting tool or

  2. Confirm that the invoice is more than 5 pages and run the character recognition processing manually

Note: You can only review invoices with this status on the WISK Web Portal. If you check it in the mobile app it will direct you to the web.

In the mobile app the invoice directs you to view it on the web.

Splitting the Invoice

If the PDF contains multiple invoices, you can use the splitting tool to split them up and assign each one to the correct distributor.

In this example, we can see the invoice has 6 pages, and when reviewing them they have different styles indicating they are from different distributors.

The preview of the invoice pages show they have different styles and distributors

To split the invoice:

  1. Click Actions > Manage invoice pages

    The "Actions" menu is highlighted and an arrow points to "Manage invoice pages"
  2. All pages in the PDF display. Place your cursor between any two pages and click to split the invoice. Any pages on either side of the split remain together. If you need to get a closer look at a page, click the magnifying glass icon

    An arrow points to the Split line.
  3. When you have finished splitting the invoices, click the "Distributor" drop-down for each to assign a distributor to it

    An arrow points to the distributor drop-down.

    Note: When you split an invoice, it automatically assigns the distributor from the source invoice to the invoice that is created. Change the distributor if needed

  4. When all invoices have a distributor, click "Submit"

    An arrow points to the "Submit" button

  5. The existing invoice is archived, and the split invoices are reuploaded. The "Invoice number" field populates with "merged" and the date/time to show the process has run

    The "Invoice number" field shows as merged with the data and time

  6. The split invoices appear on the draft invoices page. In this example there were four separate invoices created from the split. The team will then review them

For more information on Splitting and Merging Invoices, see:

Confirm Invoice is More Than 5 Pages

If the PDF contains a single invoice more than 5 pages, you can run the character recognition processing manually.

Make sure you have assigned a distributor to the invoice and click "Actions > Reprocess".

The "Actions" button is highlighted and an arrow points to the "Reprocess" button

The invoice status goes back to "Ready for Review".

No Invoice Lines Detected

An invoice marked as "No invoice lines detected" means the character recognition software was unable to detect anything.

This could be because the image is:

  • too blurry

  • contains no recognizable text or

  • isn't a standard invoice format (receipt, order confirmation etc.)

Invoices with this status aren't immediately set to "Client Review Needed", but you are sent an email as a heads up.

Our team will try to process the invoice manually, and change the status if your assistance is required.

Note: Depending on the length of the invoice, it will take our team longer to process since invoice items won't populate automatically.

If you want to get ahead of the issue, you are welcome to re-upload a better quality image or archive the invoice, but it is not required:

  • Reupload the invoice

    • Web - Click Actions > Reupload invoice and upload a better quality image

      The "Actions" button is highlighted and an arrow points to the "Reupload invoice" button
    • Mobile App - Tap into the invoice and tap Reupload

      An arrow points to the Reupload button
  • Archive the invoice

    • Web - Click "Actions > Archive" if the image may have been uploaded in error or you can't determine what the invoice is

      The "Actions" button is highlighted and an arrow points to the "Archive" button
    • Mobile App - Swipe the invoice to the left and tap "Archive"

      An arrow shows to swipe the invoice to the left and the "Archive" button is visible.

Final Approval Needed

There are also situations where the WISK Team has done everything they can with the draft invoice, but need you to convert it.

These invoices appear with the status of "Final Approval Needed" on the Client Review tab.

The "Client Review Needed" tab shows the invoice with the status of "FInal Approval Needed"

This is either:

  • By user request. The user wants to have final say on all invoices being added to the venue

  • The date of the draft invoice is in a locked inventory period. The WISK Team cannot unlock inventories on your behalf. If you want to convert the invoice, you will need to unlock the corresponding inventory.

User Request

When the WISK Team processes the invoices you scan/upload, they normally convert the draft invoice into a "real" invoice that updates your item's stock and costs.

If you don't want the WISK Team to do this, you can make a request to your Customer Success Manager to have final approval on draft invoices.

This means the WISK Team will process uploaded invoices like usual, but you will be responsible for converting them. Your item's stock and costs won't be affected until you approve them.

If this feature is enabled, you'll see a new status on draft invoices called "Final Approval Needed". Any draft invoice with this status appears on the "Client Review Needed" tab.

Click the invoice and review the details. If everything is correct, click "Convert to Invoice". If there are any errors, please correct them before submitting.

Important: This option gives you full control over any items coming into your venue and cost changes, but requires constant upkeep.

Draft Invoice in Locked Inventory Period

If you upload a draft invoice that falls in a locked inventory period, the WISK Team will confirm all the details are correct, but won't convert it.

This is because you can't add invoices to locked inventory periods. To add the invoice, the inventory period needs to be unlocked. Unlocking inventories has the potential to alter your historical data and the WISK Team cannot do this on your behalf.

To learn more, see:

When the WISK Team has reviewed the invoice, it will appear on the "Client Review Needed" tab with the status of "Final Approval Needed".

When you open the invoice, you'll see the following message:

"This invoice is in a locked inventory period and cannot be converted until an Admin from the venue unlocks the corresponding inventory."

The locked inventory message is highlighted for emphasis

After unlocking the inventory, the message disappears and you must convert the invoice.

An arrow points to the "Convert to invoice" button

Important: To avoid this, we recommend you upload invoices as any orders arrive in your venue. This way you will get them in well before an inventory locks. You can also increase the window that inventory counts remain unlocked if you aren't able to add invoices early. Adding your invoices early benefits you because it keeps everything up-to-date and accurate.

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