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If you upload a PDF that contains multiple invoices, it can't be processed correctly by the system. Before it can be processed, you need to split the PDF into separate files.
If you upload multiple files separately that are all for the same invoice, they will need to be combined into a single invoice.
Fortunately, the WISK Web Portal has a built-in tool that makes it easy to split or combine PDFs to make sure everything gets uploaded properly.
Initial Upload
If you upload a PDF directly via the WISK Web Portal, you can preview the PDF and split or combine pages as needed to organize your invoices. To learn more, see:
Splitting a PDF After Upload
If you upload a PDF that has more than one page, you'll see the option to split it into multiple invoices. You'll need to do this if you've put more than one invoice from the same or different distributors into one file.
Selecting the PDF
To select a PDF to split into multiple invoices:
On the Draft Invoices page, click the Details button beside an invoice
Click Actions > Manage invoice pages
Note: You'll only see this option if the PDF has multiple pages
Splitting Pages
A window opens showing every page in the PDF. Place your cursor between any two pages and a scissors icon appears. Click the scissors icon between any two pages to split them.
As you split pages, it creates separate invoice PDFs. In this example we've split the 5 page document into 3 PDFs. The red numbers on the bottom left of each page indicate its page number in the original PDF. The green numbers on the bottom right indicate the page number in the new PDFs to be created
Reordering / Combining Pages
If you need to reorder or combine any pages in a PDF, just drag and drop a page over another.
If the pages were separate they'll combine together. If the pages were already together, you can adjust the order.
Finishing the Split
When you've finished splitting the file into separate invoices and ordering the pages as needed, you must assign a distributor to each. Then click "Submit"
The PDF gets split and uploaded as separate invoices so they can be processed. In this example you'll see the original upload is now three invoices
Merging PDFs After Upload
If you upload two or more separate PDFs or images that need to be combined into a single invoice, you can merge them on the WISK Web Portal.
Selecting Draft Invoices
Click the checkboxes beside the draft invoices you want to merge together and click "Merge invoice pages"
Reordering/Combining Pages
A window opens showing each page of the merged invoice. Select the distributor.
To re-arrange the order of the pages, place your cursor over a page and drag it to the proper position. If you need to undo any changes, click the "Reset" button.
Note: When you place your cursor over the page there are options to zoom in on the page to preview it, or you can delete it.
Finishing the Merge
When the pages are in the correct order, double-check you've selected the correct distributor and click "Submit".
The invoices are combined and display as one draft invoice.