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Switching POS Systems

Tips for switching your POS system to reduce the amount of POS Item Mapping required

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

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If switching your POS system, there are a few things you can do to help make the transition as easy as possible and reduce the amount of new POS Item mapping:

  1. Use the same POS Item codes in your new POS if able

  2. Use the same POS Item names

If neither of these methods are possible, you can copy POS Item mapping from your old items to the new ones manually.

After setting up your new POS, you can then choose to keep the old POS Items for historical data, or archive them.

POS Item Mapping Method

Use the Same POS Item Codes

If it’s possible to use the same codes, you’ll have an easy transition between POS systems.

When importing sales data into your venue, everything is tied to the POS Item code. By using the same codes, it won’t create new POS Items in your account. The sales from the new POS system will be associated with your existing POS Items in WISK and you won’t have to remap any items.

Note: Depending on how the new POS handles modifiers, there may be some additional mapping required.

For example, if the POS Item code for a “Cheeseburger” is 1234 in your old POS, if you make it the same in your new POS, you won’t have to make any changes in WISK.

Use the Same POS Item Names

Depending on your new POS, it may not be practical or possible to use the same POS Item codes. In that case, we recommend using the exact same menu item names in your new POS.

When integrated, this still creates new POS Items in your venue because of the different codes, but our Support team can copy all ingredients from mapped items to unmapped items that have the same name.

For example, if you had:

  • Old POS - “Cheeseburger”, POS Item Code 1234 and

  • New POS - “Cheeseburger”, POS Item Code 654321

The new POS Item with the same name but different code displays

The mapped ingredients would copy over to the new item. If the new item was called “Burger - Cheese”, it wouldn’t.

The ingredients have copied over from the old Cheeseburger to the new one

This process should map most of the new POS Items that get created.

Once you’ve integrated your new POS, please contact [email protected] or reach out in the chat to get our Support team to run the copy operation.

Copy POS Item Mapping Manually

If you still have some unmapped items, or none of the options above were possible because of your setup, you can still copy POS Item mapping manually.

From the POS Items page you can select any number of POS Items, and then choose a POS Item you want to import the ingredients from. To learn more, see:

Old POS Item Cleanup

If you weren’t able to use the same POS Item Codes, you’ll have both the POS Items from your old and new systems on the POS Items page.

What you do with your old POS Items depends on whether you want to keep the historical sales data or not.

Keep Historical Sales

On the “Sales” page, you’ll only ever see POS Items that recorded sales for the defined time period. By default it’s set to 30 days. You won’t see the old POS Items unless you select a time period before you switched POS systems.

On the “POS Items” page, there are a number of ways to sort and filter your POS Items so that only ones with sales appear.

You can also make use of Custom Fields to label the Old POS Items and filter them out from view to reduce clutter on this page.

To learn more, see:

Don’t Keep Historical Sales

If you don’t want to see the historical sales data for items sold from the old POS, you can archive those POS Items.

When a POS Item is archived, it’s treated as though it no longer exists. To learn about archiving POS Items, see:

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