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Inventorying / Counting Item Variations
Inventorying / Counting Item Variations

How to count item variations when taking inventory

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 4 months ago

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In your venue, you may have items that come in multiple sizes or case sizes. If these are added as item variations, they’re all considered the same item when counted in WISK, and converted into the default item variation’s unit of measurement.

For example, if your default item variation was a 750ml bottle, and you counted 1.5 units of a 1L bottle, it would convert to 2 units of the 750ml when showing the “Stock” count.

To learn more about item variations, please see:

Setting Variations as Used in Inventory

For each item variation, you can set whether it is used in inventory counts. You can toggle whether it is counted as full units and/or cases.

When an item variation is toggled on to be used in inventory counts, it appears when the default item variation is pulled up in the app. This way you can quickly add counts for all variations of the item.

Note: You are limited to having only 4 item variations that are used in inventory counts. Each variation can have units and cases, for a total of 8 different ways to count it.

You can set an item to be used in inventory on both the mobile app and WISK Web Portal

Mobile App

  1. From the default variation on the “Items” screen, tap the “Edit Item” button (pencil icon)

    An arrow points to the "Edit Item" button.
  2. Tap “Item Variations”

    The "Item Variations" field is highlighted.
  3. Tap an item variation

    An arrow points to the item variation to be selected.
  4. Scroll down to the “Used in inventory” and “Used in inventory as cases” toggles buttons. Tap either or both to have them appear as an option when taking inventory. Then tap “Save”

    The "Used in inventory" and "Used in inventory as cases" toggle buttons are enabled.
  5. Tap “Save” on the “Edit Item” Screen.

WISK Web Portal

  1. On the “Items” page, place your cursor over the item and click the Edit button (pencil icon)

    An arrow points to the "Edit Item" button.

  2. Scroll down to the "Inventoried As" section on the left side of the window. Each item variation appears and there are checkboxes to show if it is counted as units and /or cases. Clicking a checkbox adds/removes the option for counting

You can also manage how an item variation is counted when viewing its details.

  1. Click the item variation name

    An arrow points to the Item Variation to be selected.

  2. Scroll down and click the "Inventoriable as units" and "Inventoriable as cases" checkboxes

    The "Inventoriable" and "Inventoriable as cases" checkboxes are highlighted for emphasis.

Used in Inventory Appearance

When an item variation is set as used in inventory, the full units and/or cases appear when the item is called up during inventory.

You can either scan the barcode of one of the item variations, or use the search function to find the item.

An arrow points to the Default item variation in the search.

Note: If using the search, it will show the default item variation in the result, but you’ll be able to count any size that is used in inventory.

You’ll then see every configuration that is toggled on to be used, and can be counted.

The item is called up, and all of the methods of counting it display.

Counting Item Variations - Mobile App

Full Units

  1. Scan the barcode of the item or use the search to call it up

    An arrow points to the default item variation on the search.
  2. On the right hand side, you’ll see all of the item variations that can be counted as full units. Tap the + button beside a variation to add it to the count.

    All of the options for counting full units display on the right.
  3. As you add items, they are converted to the default item variation’s measurement. Tap “Confirm” to submit the count.

    The counted units are converted into the unit of measurement of the default item variation.

    Note: In the example above, the default item variation is a 1L bottle. The count is 1x 1L, and 1x 750ml. This converts to 1.75 units of the 1L bottle.

  4. After the items are confirmed, you’ll see each individual item variation on the “Current Scans” screen.

    Each individual item variation displays on the "Current Scans" screen.

Full Units (Cases)

While you may have items with different units of measurement and case sizes, you can also have items with the same unit of measurement but different case sizes. If the item is the same size, but comes in multiple case sizes packs, boxes etc, you can create item variations for each of those.

For example, you could have an item measured in units, but comes in cases of 25, 100, and 200.

  1. Scan the barcode of the item or use the search to call it up

    An arrow points to the item to be counted in the search results.
  2. On the left hand side, you’ll see all of the item variations that can be counted in cases. Tap the + button beside a variation to add it to the count.

    The area to add cases when the item is called up is highlighted.
  3. As you add items, they are converted to the default item variation’s measurement. Tap “Confirm” to submit the count.

    The "Confirm" button shows the total count based on all case sizes counted.

    Note: In this example, the unit of measurement is the same across all case variations so the value isn’t converted.

  4. After the items are confirmed, you’ll see each individual item case variation on the “Current Scans” screen

    Each separate case size displays on the "Current Scans" screen.

Partial Units

When counting partial units of an item variation, it’s best to scan the barcode of the item. This pulls up the specific item variation and its weights. This way you can measure the amount remaining with the scale, or use the visual mode.

If you use the search, it will pull up the default item variation.

  1. Scan the barcode of the item variation

  2. The item is called up, and it shows the weights of that specific item variation

    The default item variation is 1L, but the barcode of the 750ml variation was scanned.
  3. If you place the item on the scale, or use the visual mode, the amount remaining in the item is converted to the unit of measurement of the default item. In this example, the 750ml bottle has 375ml (half of the bottle) remaining. The 375ml in the bottle translates to 0.38 units of a 1L bottle (the default item variation). Tap “Confirm”

    The "Confirm" button is highlighted for emphasis  and shows the converted value of the weighted item.

Counting Item Variations - WISK Web Portal

Counting item variations on the WISK Web Portal is a slightly different than in the app. You'll see each item variation appear as a separate item. The counts for each item variation are converted to the default item variation's unit of measurement after the inventory is completed.

Full Units

  1. Use the search or scroll through your venue's item list to find the item. You'll see each variation

    All item variations display as separate items when taking inventory counts on the WISK Web Portal.

  2. Make sure "Unit" is toggled on and enter the amount in the "Units" field and click the checkmark to add it to the inventory count

    1 Unit has been entered and an arrow points to the checkmark to add the count.

  3. As you add counts for each item variation, they appear as separate entries in the Summary

    Each item variation appears on the right side of the screen as a separate entry under the Summary.

Full Units (Cases)

  1. Use the search or scroll through your venue's item list to find the item. You'll see each variation with a different case size

    All item variations with different case sizes appear.

  2. Click "Case" to toggle counting in cases and enter the amount. Click the checkmark to add it to the inventory count.

    "Case" has been toggled on and the number of cases has been entered for an item variation. An arrow points to the checkmark to submit the count.

  3. As you add counts for each different case size of an item, they appear as separate entries in the Summary

    Each different case size submitted appears on the right side of the screen.

Partial Units

  1. Add the partial value of the item variation using either the visual, scale, or manual methods and click the checkmark beside them

    The different ways of counting partial units (visual, scale, manual) are displayed.

  2. As you add partial counts for each item variation, they appear as separate entries in the Summary

    Added partial counts appear on the right side of the screen under Summary.

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