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In some situations, it may not be practical for you to use an iOS device or scanner peripheral to take the inventory count in an area and would prefer to use pen and paper. This could apply to either the whole area, or just certain items contained within it.
To help with this, you can print an inventory sheet for any or all of your areas. You can take the count using pen and paper, and then input it later into the mobile app or WISK Web Portal.
When generating/printing the inventory sheet, you can choose to display your items either by:
Alphabetical order or
The order they were counted in the last completed inventory
There are two steps to generating an inventory sheet by area:
Adding area tags to your items
Generating the inventory sheet for the whole venue or specific areas
Tagging Items with Areas
Individual Items
To tag an item to be included on the inventory area sheet:
Go to the “Items” page on the WISK Web Portal
Toggle on the “Inventory areas” column if it isn’t already visible. To do so, tap the Gear icon then click the checkbox beside "Inventory areas" under Columns
Click into the “Inventory areas” column for an item
Select an area you want to assign it to in the drop down
The selected area tag is added to the item, and you can select more as needed
Note: You can also remove area tags by clicking the “X” beside a selected area.
The selected areas appear in the “Areas” column
You can also add or remove Area tags on the “Edit Item” screen (the pencil icon that appears beside the name when you place your cursor over it).
Multiple Items
To tag multiple items at once:
Click the checkbox beside each item that you want to tag with an area
Click the “Areas” drop-down on the pop-up window that appears on the right side of the screen
Select the areas that you want to assign to these items
The selected area tag is added to the item, and you can add more as needed
When finished, the selected items are tagged with those areas
Note: If an item has variations, only the default variation displays in the inventory sheet. Item variations are not supported at this time, but you can make a note on the sheet about what variation it is when adding the count via the web or app later.
Generating the Inventory Sheet
After tagging your items, you can generate an inventory sheet PDF that shows the items by:
Alphabetical order or
The order they were counted in the last completed inventory
You can generate a PDF with all areas, or individual ones.
Note: If you haven't tagged any items, nothing will appear in the PDF
All Areas
Go to the “Areas” page on the WISK Web Portal
Click the “Download Items PDF” drop-down and select either "By Alphabetical Order" or "By Previous Inventory Order"
Individual Areas
Items by Area Sheet
By Alphabetical Order
Your tagged items are sorted alphabetically by title, and you can add counts by units, cases, or enter a manual value. You can input the data into the iOS app or WISK Web Portal at a later time.
Note: Only the default item variation displays in the sheet. Item variations are not supported.
By Previous Inventory Order
Your items are sorted by the order they were submitted/counted in that area during your last completed inventory. This is similar to the "Previous List" that appears when taking inventory on the app or web.
If the item was counted multiple times, the order is based on the first time it was submitted. Each tagged item only appears once on the sheet.
If an item is tagged with an area but wasn't counted during the inventory, it appears in a separate section titled "Not counted last inventory".