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Custom Fields

What are custom fields, and how to add / manage them in your account

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

Article Contents

About Custom Fields

Custom fields are a flexible tool that allow you to add custom data to your items, inventories, invoices and more.

A few examples for items include tasting notes, bin numbers, and expiration dates, but the possibilities are limitless.

On pages with data tables, you can create columns for anything that is not in WISK by default. This allows you to add fields for anything unique to your venue, without having to request a feature from our development team.

Custom fields don’t interact with any of the behind-the-scenes calculations in your account (consumption, recipe costing, etc.), but are great for searching, sorting, and filtering your data.

Creating a Custom Field

You can create custom fields for:

  • Items

  • POS Items

  • Distributors

  • Inventories / Independent Inventories

  • Invoices

  • Batches

  • Venues

  • Draft Invoices

  • Purchase Orders

To create a custom field:

  1. Go to the corresponding page on the WISK Web Portal (Items, POS Items, Distributors, Venue Settings, etc)

  2. Depending on the page, there are two ways to add custom fields:

    1. On the Items and POS Items pages, Click Actions > Add custom field

      An arrow points at the "Add custom field" option in the Actions list.

    2. For Distributors, Inventories, Invoices, Batches, Purchase Orders, Draft Invoices and the Venue, you'll see an "Add Custom Field" button in the active window

      An arrow points to the "Add custom field" button

      Note: For most of these, you'll see the button after clicking Details.

  3. Select the field type and give the field a name. Depending on the field type, you may need to enter additional information. Please see the “Field Types” section farther down the page for more details.

    The add custom field screen, where you select the field type and give it a name/label

    Note: Custom field names must be unique where they appear. For example, you can't have two custom fields with the same name on the "Items" page, but you could have a custom field name "Example" on both the "Items" and "Invoices" pages.

    The message that displays if you try to make two custom fields with the same name on the same page
  4. Click “Save”

  5. The custom field is added to your venue. To view it, click “Columns” then click the checkbox beside the custom field name.

    A list of toggle-able columns with the new custom field column highlighted and toggled on

    Note: If you add a custom field with the same name as an existing system field, it displays with "(Custom Field)" beside the name

    The custom field appears with "Custom Field" beside the name

  6. With the field visible, you can now add a value based on the field type

Field Types

You can create custom fields of the following types:

  • Small Text - Displays one line of text. Good for short descriptions.

  • Large Text - For larger strings of text, you can adjust the size of the text box and scroll through the contents. It displays multiple lines of text.

  • Checkmark - Can use a check box to indicate a true or false attribute. You can use the filtering options to show checked or unchecked items.

  • Drop Down - Select a value from a defined list. When creating the field, you’ll set the values, and can always edit the field to add more.

  • Round Number - For positive or negative round numbers.

  • Decimal Number - For decimal numbers. When creating the field you’ll define the number of decimal spaces.

  • Date - Allows you to select and date and time from a calendar selector

  • Currency - For currency values. You’ll select the symbol when creating the field.

  • Multiple Select - Can use to create a number of tags that you can select for an item. You can select more than one tag per item.

  • Images - Allows you to upload additional images for your items

  • URL - A link to an external site (could be the distributor or manufacturer, etc.)

  • Attachments - Allows you to upload PDFs, images and other document types. Useful for detailed product/tasting notes, additional item images, and more.

Managing Custom Fields

To manage your custom fields:

  1. Go to the corresponding page on the WISK Web Portal (Items, POS Items, Distributors, Venue Settings, etc)

  2. Depending on the page, there are two ways to manage custom fields:

    1. On the Items and POS Items pages, Click Actions > View custom fields

      An arrow points at the "View custom fields" option in the Actions list.

    2. For Distributors, Inventories, Invoices, Batches, Purchase Orders, Draft Invoices and the Venue, click the gear icon in the Custom Fields section in the active window

  3. All of your custom fields of the selected type display. On the bottom left you’ll see your total count of custom fields across all pages. If you need to edit a field or archive it, click the “...” in the Details column.

    The list of active custom fields with the details button and the total count of custom fields highlighted
  4. After clicking “Details” you can rename the field, and depending on the type, make changes. In this example, you can add or remove options for the dropdown. Your changes save automatically. If you need to delete the field, click “Archive” on the top right.

    The dropdown custom field options.
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