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How to Upload Sales Manually

How to download and fill out our template to upload your sales data if your POS isn't integrated with WISK

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 10 months ago

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If your POS isn't integrated, you can still upload your sales data into WISK manually.

Just download the sales upload template on the WISK Web Portal and upload your sales for either:

Note: If your POS provider is incapable of integrating with WISK, please send a copy of your sales/product mix in XLS or CSV format to [email protected]. We may be able to configure your sales file so you can upload it directly instead of pasting the data into our upload template.

Downloading the Sales Upload Template

You can download the sales upload template from the Sales page on the WISK Web Portal.

  1. Click “Sales" then "Sales" on the side menu bar

    An arrow points to the "Sales" button on the side menu bar.
  2. Click “Upload sales manually"

    An arrow points to the "Upload sales manually" button on the "Sales" page.

  3. Click the link to download the template. The file name is “WISK_Sales_Upload_TEMPLATE.xlsx”.

    An arrow points to the link to where you download the template.

Filling in the Sales Template

Copy your sales data into the template. The template has 4 columns you need to fill out: POS Code, Item Name, Quantity Sold, Net Sales.

The empty sales upload template with the 4 columns as stated below.
  • POS Code - the unique identifier code for the item in your POS system (if your POS does not use identifier codes, put the Item Name in this column as well)

  • Item Name - the name of the item in the POS

  • Quantity Sold - the quantity sold of the item in the sales report period. This number should include comped and discounted items

  • Net Sales - The net sales ($) for the item overall. Input this as a number.

Note: Do not change the default column names. If a column name is changed, it causes an error when uploading the file. See - "Column Name Issue"

When pasting in information, make sure you aren't changing the cell formatting in the template. For example, if you paste in the "Net Sales" field and change the formatting to text, it won't import the data correctly. See - "Incorrect Cell Formatting"

Filled Template Example (with POS Codes)

An example of the sales upload template filled out.

Note: If your sales data doesn't have POS Codes, just paste the contents of the “Item Name” column into the “POS Code” column as well.

You can rename the file as needed, but make sure that it remains the .XLSX file type.

If you try to upload the template as a CSV file, it won't work.

Uploading the Sales Template

When the template is filled out, you can upload the file.

Select the period for the sales upload. You can choose either “Inventory Range” or “Date Range”.

Note: If you have access to more than one account/venue in WISK, make sure that you're in the correct one before uploading.

By Inventory Range

You can select a period between any two completed inventories. By default, it shows your two most recent inventories. You can click on the “From” and “To” fields to change the range.

By Date Range

You can select from a range of time periods in the drop-down list, or set a custom one. This allows you to upload sales regardless of when an inventory count has been completed.

You can only upload sales for unlocked inventory periods. If there are locked inventories in a date range, you won't be able to select it.

Note: When you select a date range, it shows the period where the sales will be uploaded. Some of the preset date range times are based on the "Business day starting hour" which you can edit under Venue Settings.

Select File & Upload

After selecting the range, upload the file.

  1. Click “Browse” and select the filled out template

    An arrow points to the "Browse" button.

  2. After choosing the file, there are a few options you can select (depending on your venue's setup):

    • Keep existing sales for selected interval - If you have already uploaded sales data for the period, checking this will add the data in the file to the existing sales. If it's unchecked, the sales upload will overwrite all existing sales data for the period. If no sales have been uploaded for the period yet, leave this unchecked.

    • The upload is for the secondary POS - If you have more than one POS, and one of them isn’t integrated with WISK, you can upload your sales for that POS this way. By selecting this box, it won’t overwrite the sales from your other POS.

    The "Keep existing sales for the selected interval" checkbox is highlighted for emphasis.

    Note: "The upload is for the secondary POS" is only visible if you have designated a secondary POS in your Venue Settings

  3. When ready, click “Upload”

    An arrow points to the "Upload" button.
  4. A prompt shows the selected period for the upload, and how your sales data will be updated. The message contents vary depending on what checkbox options you select. Click "OK" to finish the upload

    An arrow points to the "OK" button.
  5. The sales data may take a moment to appear. If it doesn't, refresh your browser. You'll be able to view the sales data for the selected period on the Sales or Variance page

    The sales data now appears on the "Sales" page.

    Note: If you upload the sales for a period and forget to include something, just add it to the same template and re-upload it. Re-uploading the sales for a period overwrites the existing data (unless you check the “Keep existing sales for selected interval” box as detailed in Step 2 above)

When sales are uploaded manually, they are timestamped at the exact middle of the selected period.

The timestamp of the sales upload is the exact middle of the selected period.

If this is your first time uploading your sales, you will now have to add recipes to your sales items in the POS Items section. Learn more here:

Sales Upload Errors

Missing Data

If you upload the sales template, and there is missing data, you’ll receive an error message with each row that requires attention.

The error message shows which rows are missing information.

Check the file, and make the necessary changes, then re-upload the file.

Wrong Cell Formatting

If you upload the file successfully and see the quantity sold but no sales amounts in dollars, it's possible the "Net Sales" column formatting changed to text.

The sales file has been uploaded but the data is incomplete

This can happen when pasting data into the template file. You can tell it's set to text because when you click into a cell you'll see the currency symbol in the formula bar. In this example it says $80 instead of just 80. Your spreadsheet software may also display a warning/error message.

The value displays in the formula bar with the currency symbol

To fix this, you'll need to change the formatting of the "Net Sales" cell to a number. In Excel you can highlight all values in the "Net Sales" column and click the warning and "Convert to Number"

The error message is highlighted and an arrow points to "Convert to Number"

The value should convert to a number. You can check this by seeing the number without the currency symbol in the formula bar.

The data displays in the formula bar without the currency symbol

Save the file and upload it again and you'll see the data populate correctly.

The data is uploaded and shows the sales values.

Wrong File Format

If you upload any other file that isn't the provided template, you'll receive an error message saying "Error - 00474 No sales found".

Fill out the provided template and upload it.

POS Systems with Custom File Uploads

For some POS systems that don't integrate with WISK, we support uploading a file that is exported directly from the POS. That way you don't have to fill out our template.

If you try to upload the WISK provided template, but your POS uses a custom file, you'll see the error message above.

The following POS systems use a custom file upload:

If using one of the POS systems above, use the custom file as outlined in the linked article.

Note: If you were using one of these POS systems in the past and switched to another, check that you've updated your POS Type in the Venue Settings.

An arrow points to the "Venue Settings" menu option.

Column Name Issue

If you upload a file and see that there is an error for every line in the file, it's possible the name of a column has been changed. If it's not the exact name as in the default template, it causes an issue:

An error displays for every line in the invoice.

Open the file and check the names of the columns. In this example, we'll see that the "Quantity Sold" column contains "Quantity". For the upload file to work, the columns need to have the default names.

Change the column name to "Quantity Sold" and save the file. Try uploading it again and it should work.

Uploaded to Wrong Venue

If you have more than one account and upload the sales file to the wrong one, just upload the correct sales file for that account and do the following:

  1. Select the same Inventory or Date Range

  2. Leave the "Keep existing sales for the selected interval" box unchecked

This deletes the existing sales data for that period and uploads the contents of the file.

Note: If you require additional assistance, please contact [email protected]

Uploaded Wrong Sales Period

If you upload the wrong file for a specific sales period, this is a simple fix.

Lets say you take a monthly inventory and just finished your Oct 1 count, making your Inventory Range Sept 1 - Oct 1. When uploading the sales file, you accidentally upload the Aug 1 - Sept 1 sales.

All you need to do is upload the correct file and the sales data will be fixed.

  1. Click "Upload sales manually"

    An arrow points to the "Upload sales manually" button

  2. Select the same Inventory or Date Range as the previous upload. A message displays showing the exact period of the previous manual upload

    The last sales upload message is highlighted for emphasis

  3. Click "Select File" and select the correct file. Leave the "Keep existing sales for the selected interval" box unchecked. This deletes the existing sales data for that period and uploads the contents of the file. Click "Upload"

    The sales file and "Keep existing sales" sections are highlighted. An arrow points to the "Upload" button
  4. Click "OK" on the confirmation message

  5. The correct sales are now uploaded (in the image below the sales for each item and total have changed)

    The correct sales have been uploaded.

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