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How to Integrate PixelPoint POS

How to upload your "Profit by Summary Group" report to your WISK account

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 8 months ago

At this time, PixelPoint does not offer a direct integration or allow for an automated daily sales report email. However, we’ve made it easy for you to upload your PixelPoint sales into WISK without having to copy and paste your data into a template.

To get your sales from PixelPoint into WISK, you’ll need to:

  1. Set your POS Type to Pixel Point in your Venue Settings in WISK (a one-time process)

  2. Use your Back of House computer to export your Profit by Summary Group report in .xls format for the desired period of time

  3. Use WISK’s manual sales upload feature to upload the .xls file

Set POS Type to PixelPoint

Before uploading your sales, make sure that the POS Type for your venue is set to PixelPoint on the WISK Web Portal. You’ll only need to do this once.

1. Hover your cursor over your username on the bottom left, and click “Venue Settings” on the menu that appears

An arrow pointing to the "Venue Settings" button.

2. Click “Edit” beside POS Type (If it already says PixelPoint, you can go to the next section)

An arrow pointing to the "Edit" button beside POS Type on the Venue Settings screen.

3. Select “PixelPoint” from the drop-down list and click “Save”

Pixel Point is selected in the drop-down menu and an arrow points at the Save button

Export the Profit by Summary Group Report

From your PixelPoint Back of House computer, export a copy of your Profit by Summary Group report in .xls format for the desired inventory period.

Note: We recommend exporting your sales whenever you complete an inventory. If you normally take an inventory on Monday mornings, export your sales from the previous Monday to Sunday. This gets you all of the sales for the period between your two most recent inventory counts.

Sample Report

Profit by Summary group report showing the quantity of each item sold and the value

Important: It must be the "Profit by Summary Group" report. There is also a "Profit by Report Category" but this is not compatible with the custom upload. If you try uploading the "Profit by Report Category" file it will fail.

Upload the File

Note: Please make sure you have set your POS Type to PixelPoint, otherwise it will not accept the file.

To upload the sales report file:

1. Click “Reports / Analytics”

2. Click “Variance”

An animated gif clicking Reports / Analytics, then "Variance" on the WISK Web Portal

3. Click on Actions > Upload Sales Manually

An animated gif clicking on the Actions button, then Upload sales manually

4. Select the period that matches the sales file. You can choose either “Inventory Range” or “Date Range”.

The date selector on the upload sales manually page.

5. After selecting the period, click “Browse” and select the sales file.

An arrow points at the Browse button on the upload sales manually page.

6. Click “Upload”.

7. You’ll now be back on the “Variance” page. The sales data may take a moment to appear. If it does not, refresh your browser.

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