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When you generate an order in WISK, you have to add the invoice when the order arrives in your venue.
When adding the invoice, you'll confirm that you received the items, and make adjustments to the quantity and item cost if needed.
Select an Open Purchase Order
To add an invoice from an order you generated in WISK:
Click “Orders” > "Purchase Orders"
All of your purchase orders display. For each purchase order, you’ll see the:
name of the distributor
total value
date it was generated
email & SMS sent status (if you emailed/texted the order to the distributor)
invoice status (whether it has been received or not)
In this case, we’re interested in purchase orders with the status of “Not received”.
To add the invoice, click the details button (the 3 dots) beside a purchase order
In the purchase order window, click “Actions” > “Mark as received”
Click "Receive order and add invoice"
Note: If you sent an order to a distributor and they could not fulfill / cancelled the order click "Unable to fulfill" to close out the order. When the order is closed out, the items within no longer count towards "Pending purchase orders".
Add Invoice Details
Before receiving the order / adding the invoice, you'll add details about when and where the items were added.
Click the "Area" drop-down to select where the items from the invoice were added. If items were put into multiple areas, select the most applicable one.
You can add the invoice number and "Invoice total on paper" (the total that includes all charges, fees, credits, etc.) in the optional fields if needed
Note: You can also add these any time after you've generated the invoice. If the invoice number matches another existing invoice number from the same distributor, you'll be blocked from creating the invoice. Make sure you've entered the number correctly and that you're not adding a duplicate
Click the “Date” field to select the date and time. It auto-populates with the current date and time by default. The time should reflect when the items from the invoice were unboxed and placed with your stock. After updating the date/time click "OK"
Note: You can't set an invoice date to be in the future or before a locked inventory. Learn more here
When finished adding the invoice details, click “OK” to generate the invoice
You’ll receive a message saying the invoice has been generated, then click “View Invoice”
Reviewing / Adjusting the Invoice
After converting the purchase order into an invoice, make sure the information matches the paper invoice.
You can make any changes to the quantity or cost of items, and remove/add items if necessary.
Any changes you make to the invoice save automatically.
Note: You can view the original purchase order by clicking “view order” if you need to refer back to it.
Received Items
If you received an item and the quantity and cost match the paper invoice, no action is required.
Different Quantity Received than Ordered
If there’s an item you received a different amount than what you ordered (either more or less):
Place your cursor over the item and click the pencil icon in the "Line measurement" column
Click into the "Quantity" field and update the quantity received. Depending on the selected unit of measurement you can enter a decimal value (for example, adding 5.5lbs of an item)
Note: If necessary, you can change the unit of measurement. You can enter units, cases, or a manual measurement based on whether it is a weight or volume-based item.
After making your changes, click "Save"
The updated amount now displays on the invoice
Different Item Cost
If the cost of an item changed, update the value to match the paper invoice.
Hover your cursor over the item and click the pencil icon in the "Cost" column
Click into the "Cost" field and update the amount to match the paper invoice
Note: If needed, you can change the cost per unit of measurement. You can enter units, cases, or a manual measurement based on whether it is a weight or volume-based item
If there were any discounts, you can enter those in the "Disc" field. You can select whether the discount is a dollar value, or a percentage. The discount applies based on the selected Cost per UM
When finished, click "Save"
The updated cost (and discounts if applicable) displays on the invoice
Items Not Received
If you ordered an item but didn't receive it / it was not delivered:
Items not in the Initial Order
Existing Venue Items
If you received an item that wasn't on the initial order, click into the "Add Item" field and type the name of the item. Click the matching item and add the quantity and the cost then click "Add".
Note: If you see a match, but it's not in the format/size you're receiving, see the "New Item/Item Variations" section below. You'll need to either add a new item, or new item variation. For example, if you ordered an item as a 1L bottle, but received a 750ml bottle instead.
New Items / Item Variations
If the item isn’t already on your venue item list, click “New” to add it
Select whether you want to create a new item, or a new item variation
This opens up a window to add a new item. When typing the name of the item in the “Title” field, it searches the WISK database to find a match. If it's still not there, you can fill in the item details manually. Learn more here:
Item Variation
This opens up a window where you search your existing items. Find the item you want to create a new variation for, and enter the details. Learn more here:
Finalizing the Invoice
Before the invoice is complete, you can take these optional steps for your record keeping.
Adding Invoice Images / PDFs
You can upload any images / PDFs of the invoice by clicking "Add Image / PDF"
Once uploaded, the button updates to ways to view the attached images/pdfs
Adding Additional Charges or Credits
If you entered an invoice total on paper, you may see a message about the invoice total and the value of the items not matching.
Note: You can enter the invoice total at any time if you didn’t add it in the “ Add Invoice Details” step.
At this point, you can add any additional charges or credits (taxes, delivery fees etc.) to the invoice by clicking the "Add Charge" or "Add Credit" tabs.
You can learn more about charges and credits here:
When both totals match, the message disappears:
Accounting Integration Features
If you have the accounting add-on, there are additional fields you can apply to each line item on an invoice.
You can assign GL accounts to your items, and set how taxes are represented in item costs (inclusive vs exclusive). To learn more, see:
Invoice Finalized
Once everything is correct, close the invoice window by clicking the "X" button on the top right (every change you make saves automatically).
You’re prompted if you'd like to send a confirmation email about adding the invoice.
On the Purchase Orders screen, the status of the order displays as received, and the invoice appears on your Invoices / Returns page.
Confirmation Email / Difference Report
The confirmation email provides a summary of everything from the invoice.
Below the summary, It notes any differences in quantity received vs quantity ordered and cost changes.
Distributor Unable to Fulfill Order
If you send an order to a distributor and they are unable to fulfill it, you can close out the order without adding an invoice by marking it as "Unable to Fulfill".
This also removes any items on the order from your pending purchase orders count. This ensures that the suggested amount to order remains accurate.
To mark a purchase order as unable to fulfill:
When viewing the purchase order, click Actions > Unable to fulfill
Click "Mark as unable to fulfill" on the confirmation window.
Note: Only use this if the distributor cannot send you anything. If they still send some of the items, add the invoice and remove any items that were not included. See "Items Not Received"