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Whether you are using WISK for Food or Beverage, you may have inventory items that:
Can be purchased from multiple distributors / suppliers
Come in different/multiple package sizes, case sizes, or product branding
Instead of having a separate inventory item for each, you can add variations (also known as purchase formats) to your existing items.
To learn more about item variations, see:
As you add variations and receive invoices for them, you'll have a record / cost history for each. You can use this to compare costs between your vendors to make informed purchasing decisions.
Comparing Item Variation Costs
If you have items with multiple variations, there are reporting views that make it easy to compare costs between your vendors.
These reporting views are called "Variation Cost Comparison" and are available on the following pages of the WISK Web Portal:
Items (By Variation)
Prepare Orders - Cart Builder
These views show all variations of an item grouped together, and display the cost of each based on the last invoice received.
Items (By Variation) Page
To see the "Variation Cost Comparison" view:
From the "Items (By Variation)" tab on the "Items" page click "Main"
Click "Variance Cost Comparison" from the list of reporting views
All items that have more than one variation display. The stock and the current cost of each variation display, along with the date it was last received
Note: To view all invoices received for a specific item variation, click the current cost per unit
You can export the "Variation Cost Comparison" report by clicking the XLS or PDF icons at the top of the table.
Prepare Orders - Cart Builder Page
To see the "Variation Cost Comparison" view:
From the "Cart Builder" tab on the "Prepare Orders" page click "Main"
Click "Variance Cost Comparison" from the list of reporting views
This shows all variations grouped by their base item. The latest cost for each displays, along with the date it was last received and they can be added to your cart
Note: To view all invoices received for a specific item variation, click the current cost per unit