Article Contents
You can manage your partial inventory groups on both the WISK Web Portal and mobile app. This includes:
On the WISK Web Portal, click "Manage groups" on the Partial Inventories Page.
On the mobile app, Go to the "Partial inventories" page on the "Inventories" Tab.
Renaming a Partial Inventory Group
WISK Web Portal
To rename a partial inventory group on the web:
Click the pencil icon beside the partial inventory group
Enter a new title and click "OK"
The updated title appears
Mobile App
To rename a partial inventory group in the app:
Swipe the inventory group to the left and tap "Edit title"
Enter a new title and tap "OK"
The updated title appears
Archiving / Restoring a Partial Inventory Group
You can only archive partial inventory groups that don't have any inventory counts. If you try to archive a partial inventory group with counts, an error message displays:
WISK Web Portal
To archive a partial inventory group on the web:
Click the "Archive" button beside the group
Click "OK" on the confirmation window
The group is now archived
Note: Archived groups do not appear in the "Group" drop-down menu.
To restore a partial inventory group, click the "Restore" button and confirm.
Mobile App
To archive a partial inventory group in the app:
Swipe the inventory group to the left and tap "Archive"
Tap "Archive" on the confirmation window
The group is archived and appears greyed out
To restore a partial inventory group, swipe it to the left and tap "Unarchive" and confirm the action.