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The Invoices / Returns page is where you can view supplier/distributor invoices or returns that have been added to your account.
To get there, click Orders > Invoices / Returns on the left menu bar.
There are two main tabs on the Invoices/Returns page:
Invoices / Returns Tab - This shows all your invoices / returns for the selected time period. You can open them to see the details.
Invoices / Returns Analytics Tab - This shows all your data at the item level for the selected time period. This provides insights about how much you spent or the quantity received of specific items etc.
Adding Invoices/Returns to your Account
As a quick recap, invoices are added by either:
Manual Invoice - This means you build the invoice from scratch, adding items and updating the costs as needed. You can do this on the web or iOS app. You can add an image to have a digitized record of the paper invoice
From a Purchase Order - If you generated an order through WISK, when it arrives at the venue you can create an invoice from the purchase order. The invoice already contains the items you added to the order and you can modify amounts and costs as needed. You can do this on the web or iOS app and add an image to have a digitized record of the paper invoice
Scanning / Uploading / Emailing - If your plan includes invoice processing by the WISK Team, you can upload/email your invoices and the data is extracted from them using character recognition software. The WISK Team then reviews the "draft invoice" and finalizes it
Returns are added either on the web or iOS app. To learn more, see:
Invoices / Returns Tab
This tab shows all your invoices / returns that have been added to your account.
By default, invoices and returns are grouped by Year > Month > Week. At each level of grouping it shows the total $ value to track spending.
On the default view, the following columns display:
Date - The date of the invoice / return
Distributor - The distributor / supplier on the invoice or return
Operation - whether it's an invoice or a return
Description - combines the distributor and operation to provide a description of the action
Sent to accounting - This only appears if you have the accounting integration add-on. The box is checked if the invoice has been exported to your accounting software
Person - the user that created/added the invoice or return.
Invoice number - the invoice number provided by the distributor/supplier
Photos - If any photos are attached to the invoice, an "eye" icon appears. You can click it to view the images.
Created at - This says when the invoice or return was created in WISK. This can often be different from the date of the invoice or the return on paper
Total - The total $ amount of the invoice
Cost Changes - Shows the number of items where the cost increased or decreased on the invoice
To learn more about other views, see "Customizing Your Display".
Viewing an Invoice / Return
To view an invoice or return, click the details button beside it.
This opens the invoice in a new window, where it displays the items contained within the invoice or return.
Note: The GL Account and Tax rate fields are only available with the accounting integration add-on.
If you need to make any changes to the invoice/return or want to view the cost changes you can do this from here. To learn more, please see these resources:
Search Field
You can use the search field to find a specific invoices/returns. You can search by anything that corresponds to the columns above.
In the example below, a specific invoice number was put in the search result.
Set Date or Inventory Range
By default it shows all invoices / returns added to your account. You can narrow this down by selecting a date range or inventory range.
You can select from a number of predefined date ranges or set your own.
You can also select to only see invoices/returns added between any two inventory counts.
Predefined Filters
The predefined filters drop-down allows you to see:
any archived invoices
invoices where the scanned total/total on paper doesn't match the total of the invoice, or
invoices from the same distributor with a duplicate invoice number (this way you can see if an invoice has been added multiple times by mistake)
Customizing Your Display
When viewing your invoices and returns, you can customize your display to see the exact information you need
For more in-depth information, please see:
Reporting Views
In addition, the following preset reporting views are available:
Main - the default view that shows all your invoices/returns grouped by year > month > week
By Distributor - This view groups invoices / returns by distributor and then by year > month > week. This is a way to see your spending by distributor
Add report- you can create your own preset view / report and customize it
Export Current View
To export all data that is currently visible on your screen, click either the XLS or PDF icon to download a copy of the table.
Invoices / Returns Analytics Tab
For detailed information about specific items, use the Invoices / Returns Analytics tab.
This tab shows every line item that appears on an invoice, including any charges or credits. By showing each line item, they can be grouped together to see total spend by item and more. For example, you could see how much you spent on Jameson in the previous quarter using one of the preset reporting views.
Click the "Details" beside a line item to open up the specific invoice / return the item appears in.
Using the preset reporting views, this tab answers questions such as:
How much of a specific item you bought either quantity or $ amount in a set period
What items you spent the most on in a set period
Total extra charges paid / credits received in a set period
After selecting a view, you can then use the search or inventory/date range to narrow down your results.
Reporting Views
To select a reporting view, click "Main" and all available reports display:
Main - shows each line item from invoices sorted by the most recent date
Purchases by Distributor - groups items by distributor to show the total spend for that distributor and how much was spent on each item. This can answer questions such as "How much did I spend at this distributor last quarter?"
By Purchase Amount - This sorts your items by the highest spend in the selected period. This is across all distributors the item is sold
Purchases by Item - This groups your items by Family then Category, and then shows the total spend for that item in the selected period
Purchases by GL Account - If you have the accounting integration add on and have set up your GL Accounts, this shows the total spend per GL Account
Purchases by Invoice - Similar to the "Invoices / Returns" tab, this shows the contents of each invoice
Charges Report - If you use Charges/Credits, this shows all charges that appear on invoices in the selected period
Credits Report - If you use Charges/Credits, this shows all credits that appear on invoices in the selected period