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At this time, SpotOn doesn't offer a direct integration or allow for an automated daily sales report email.
However, we’ve made it easy for you to upload your SpotOn sales into WISK without having to copy and paste your data into our template.
To get your sales from SpotOn into WISK, you’ll need to:
Add SpotOn as a POS Integration in your Venue Settings in WISK (a one-time process)
Export the Product Mix with Modifiers .xls from SpotOn
Use WISK’s manual sales upload feature to upload the .xls file
Add SpotOn POS Integration
Before uploading your sales, you must add the SpotOn POS integration to your venue. This is a one-time process.
On the WISK Web Portal, hover your cursor over your username on the bottom left, and click “Venue Settings” on the menu that appears
Scroll down to the "POS Integrations" section and click "Add POS integration"
Click the "POS Type" drop-down menu and select SpotOn
Click "Save"
The SpotOn integration is added and you can now upload the .xls file.
Note: The status displays as initializing until you upload a sales file for the first time
Export the Product Mix with Modifiers .xls
To Export the Product Mix with Modifiers from the SpotOn portal:
On the side menu, click Sales > Product Mix with Modifiers
Select the date range that you wish to export the sales for
Note: At a minimum, we recommend exporting your sales whenever you complete an inventory. If you normally take an inventory on Monday mornings, export your sales from the previous Monday to Sunday. This gets you all of the sales for the period between your two most recent inventory counts. Alternatively, you can export and upload your sales every day.
After selecting the date range, click "Print / Export"
Under Report Options, click "Export"
Select "Excel" and then click "Export"
Example Report
Important: The exported file needs to match the format above, otherwise you will receive an error when uploading the file. If your exported file is missing the "Category" column or the "Grand Total" at the end it won't upload properly.
Upload the Product Mix with Modifiers .xls
Note: Please make sure you have added the SpotON POS Integration, otherwise it will not accept the file format when uploading.
To upload the sales report file:
On the side menu, click Sales > Sales
Click Actions > Upload sales manually
Select the period that matches the sales file. You can choose either “Inventory Range” or “Date Range”
After selecting the period that matches the exported sales file, click “Select file” and choose the sales .xls
Click “Upload”.
The file uploads and the sales data may take a moment to appear. If it does not, refresh your browser.
Upload Error
If you receive an error when uploading the file, please check that your file is the same format as the example report.
Since this integration is a custom upload, the file needs to be in that specific format for the data to get into your account.
If you upload a file without the "Grand Total" the last line in the file will have an inflated sales value.
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