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QuickBooks Desktop Export

How to export your invoices from WISK to an .IIF file that can be uploaded to your QuickBooks Desktop software

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 2 months ago

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If using QuickBooks Desktop as your accounting software, you can export invoices from WISK to files in the Intuit Interchange Format (.IIF).

These IIF files can be imported into your QuickBooks Desktop software. With this method, there is no link between your QuickBooks and WISK accounts. You're exporting data into a format that QuickBooks Desktop supports.

To learn more about IIF files, please see:

Note: If using QuickBooks Online, you can export invoices from WISK directly into your account. To learn more, see:


Select Accounting Software

To export invoices, you need to set your accounting integration type to "QuickBooks Desktop":

  1. Place your cursor over your username on the bottom left corner and click “Venue Settings”’

    The "Venue Settings" button on the side menu bar is highlighted.
  2. On the Venue Settings window, click the Accounting Integration dropdown and select "QuickBooks Desktop"

    The "Accounting integration" drop down has been clicked and an arrow points to Quickbooks Desktop

    Note: You will only see this option if the accounting integration add-on is activated in your account.

Add GL Accounts

Before you can start exporting invoices, you'll need to add your GL accounts.

When adding them, you'll need the same account names and numbers from your QuickBooks Desktop account.

To learn more, please see:

Note: You won’t be able to export an invoice until GL accounts have been assigned to each line item.

Add Taxes

Next you'll need to add your tax rates.

To learn more, please see:

Exporting Invoices

Before you can export an invoice you need to make sure that each line item:

  1. has a GL account assigned

  2. taxes are included (if applicable) and

  3. that the invoice total matches the "invoice total on paper" field

Note: When you export an invoice, you won't be able to make any changes to it. Confirm that all invoice details are correct before exporting.

Once you have exported an invoice, you can generate the file as many times as needed.

Exporting an Invoice

To export an invoice:

  1. Click the "Details" button beside an existing invoice

    An arrow points to the "Details" button

  2. Confirm that all invoice details are correct. When ready, click "Actions" > "Get QuickBooks Desktop file"

    The "Actions" drop-down menu has been clicked and an arrow points to "Get QuickBooks Desktop file"

    Note: You can still edit the invoice after generating a file. If you make changes to the invoice, make sure to generate a new file

  3. Click "OK" on the confirmation window

    An arrow points to the "OK" button

  4. The file is generated, and appears in your downloads. The file name format is "QuickbooksDesktopExport" followed by the date and time. The invoice displays a message that it has been exported in the current state

    Note: If you make changes to the invoice after generating the file, the message updates to remind you to generate the file again

  5. The invoice is marked as "Sent to accounting"

    The "Sent to accounting" box is highlighted for emphasis.

Exporting Multiple Invoices

To export multiple invoices to a single file:

  1. Click the checkbox beside each invoice you want to export

  2. After checking each invoice, click "Get QuickBooks Desktop file" on the side menu that appears

  3. Click "OK" on the confirmation window

    An arrow points to the "OK" button

  4. The file is generated, and appears in your downloads. The file name format is "QuickbooksDesktopExport" followed by the date and time

    Note: If one or more of the selected files is missing required information, you'll receive an error message. Click the details button beside the noted invoice(s) and add the missing information. Click "Retry" after making your changes.

    To learn more about potential errors, see "Troubleshooting / Errors" below.

    A new window opens showing the different errors.

  5. The exported invoices are marked as "Sent to accounting". If needed, you can update the invoices and re-export the files at any time

Troubleshooting / Errors

When you export an invoice, you must:

  1. Have a GL account assigned to every line item

  2. Make sure the totals match

Missing GL Accounts

If a line item is missing a GL account, you'll receive the following message when you try to export the invoice.

Assign a GL account to the missing item(s) and try again.

Totals Don't Match

When exporting an invoice, the "Total" and "Scanned Total" fields have to match. If they don't, you'll see this message:

Total is the sum of all items on the invoice in WISK, and Scanned Total is also known as the invoice total on paper. In other words you need to add items to the invoice in WISK to get both values to match.

Make sure you've added the following to the invoice:

  • Taxes

  • Charges & Credits

  • Discounts (if applicable)

Note: If the "Scanned Total" field is blank, you'll need to enter a value.

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