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How to Integrate RPOWER POS

How to integrate your RPOWER POS system with WISK

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a year ago

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WISK has recently become an API Partner with RPOWER and integrations moving forward will be via direct API.

Prior to this, we integrated via a daily scheduled email report. This method is still supported for existing users.

API Integration

To begin the integration process, please reach out to [email protected] and we'll contact RPOWER to get your locations added.

You'll receive an email notification when we begin importing sales into your account.

Daily Email Report (Legacy)

To import your RPOWER sales data into WISK:

  1. Contact your RPOWER representative (If emailing them, please cc [email protected] on the message)

  2. Request to have a daily email with your product mix / sales report in CSV format sent to [email protected]
    This may be called the “Product Sales by Price” report. The report needs to include the following information at a minimum:

    • Item Name - The name of the item as it appears in your POS

    • Quantity Sold - The total quantity sold. This number should include comped/discounted items as well

    • Net Sales - The net sales for the item overall

  3. Once the daily email is set up by your rep, please contact us via the in-app chat or at [email protected] to let us know. We’ll set up the import process when we receive the first report

  4. You’ll receive a notification that the integration is complete when the sales are uploaded for the first time

Example Report

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