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WISK Restaurant - POS & Other Integrations

How to integrate your POS and other third-party software with WISK

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 7 months ago

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WISK provides a number of integrations with third-party software/platforms. Some of these integrations are required to set up your account, and others greatly reduce your setup time and effort moving forward:

POS Integration

As part of the setup process, you need to integrate your account with your POS system. This step pulls the sales data from your POS into your account, including all of your menu items.

Note: These are the items that you sell in your POS, for example, Margherita Pizza, Steak Frites, etc, not the inventory items used to create the final product. You'll add those items in the next step.

WISK integrates with over 50 POS systems, and you can find the full list and setup instructions for each here:

If your POS isn't on the list in the link above, we can work with you and your POS provider to set up a new integration. Please see this article for more information:

Once the sales data is in your account, and you've added your inventory items, you'll add your recipes/ingredients to get accurate dish costing for every item you sell. This is covered in the Costing section of the Getting Started Guide.

Select your POS System

To start the integration process, you need to select your POS system. You can do this in both the WISK Web Portal or iOS app:

  1. Click / tap "Select your POS" under Venue Setup Progress

    An arrow points to "Select your POS" from the Venue Setup Progress list
  2. Select your POS from the POS Type drop-down list

    An arrow points to the "POS Type" dropdown

    Note: If you can't find your POS, click the "My POS is not in the list" button and enter the POS system's name

    An arrow points to the "My POS is not in the list" button

  3. If WISK integrates with the POS you selected, you'll see a link to an article labelled "POS Integration Setup Instructions". Depending on your POS, you may be able to complete the integration at this time by following the instructions. Click "Save"

    A POS has been selected and the instructions link appears. An arrow points to the "Save" button
  4. After clicking "Save", you're sent an email confirming your selection. If the POS doesn't integrate with WISK, the email contains steps you can forward to your POS provider about how to integrate.

Vendor Integration

With our vendor Integrations, you can import past and future invoices from distributors/vendors/suppliers into your account.

WISK currently integrates with the following vendors:

By importing your invoices, it populates your account with the items you order from that supplier, cutting down on your venue’s item set up time.

Moving forward, WISK can then import invoices from that supplier automatically.

Imported invoices remain in a draft state until you review and approve them. This saves time as you don’t have to add the invoice items manually, and reduces data entry errors.

Note: If your plan includes invoice processing by the WISK team, they will process these as well.

Integrating with a Vendor

To see steps to begin the integration process for a supplier, click the links above.

New Vendor Integrations

If you have other distributors, WISK can explore whether integration is possible.

Typically, the larger the distributor, the greater the chances that WISK can integrate. Other contributing factors are if the distributor has a web portal, or provides digital copies of invoices.

Integrating with a distributor is entirely optional, and you can still add invoices via scanning or adding them manually.

However, integrating with even one of your main suppliers can help reduce the amount of work required on your end when adding invoices.

Accounting Software Integration

WISK offers the ability to assign GL accounts to your invoice items and export your invoice data to your accounting software. To learn more, please see:

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