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Troubleshooting Consumption Examples
Troubleshooting Consumption Examples

An example of how to fix a consumption value due to missing data in your account

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

Article Contents


In this article, you'll find examples of common errors that impact your consumption data.

Example - Missing Invoice

In this example, we’ll show how a missed invoice affects your variance.

High Sales & Low Consumption

Looking at this Coors Light tall can, we sold 50 units based on our POS mapping and sales data, but only consumed 2.

If we click the Details button, we can get more information:

An arrow points to the "Details" button

When we look at the Sold / Consumed tab, we see we:

  1. Started with 28 units

  2. Had no invoices for this period

  3. And ended with 26 units

This puts our consumption at 2 units, but as we see 50 were sold during the period.

The invoices, consumption, and total sales are underlined for emphasis.

When we look at the "Sold" section, the quantity sold matches the data from our POS. We know for a fact that we sold 50 units.

So now it's clear that the issue is with our consumption. This is a good time to ask those three questions:

  1. Was this my beginning inventory count?

  2. Did I receive this amount in this period?

  3. Was this my ending inventory count?

In this example, we're confident our inventory counts are correct, but we know we received more of this item, despite it showing as 0 received on invoices.

Check Invoices

It's possible that the invoice was added, but dated incorrectly. To see the item's full history, click the "Inventories / Invoices / Depletions" tab.

The "Inventories / Invoices / Depletions" tab is highlighted and shows no invoices for that item

On this screen we see that this item has only appeared in our two inventory counts, and there are no invoices on record containing it.

This rules out that the invoice was added with the incorrect date/time.

At this point you could also check your other invoices. If you received a delivery from the distributor that normally supplies this product, it's possible it wasn't entered on the invoice. In that case you would edit the existing invoice:

Add Invoice

In this example, let's say we received two cases of 24 units earlier in the week, for a total of 48 units, but forgot to enter it in WISK.

To fix the consumption, we must add this invoice into the system. You can check to see if there are any open purchase orders, or you can add a manual invoice.

The invoice is added for an amount of 2 cases of Coors Light

Now that we have added our invoice of 2 cases of 24 units (for a total of 48), we can go back to the Inventories/Invoices/Depletions tab:

The invoice now appears in the tab, but it's under the wrong time.

The invoice appears, but you can see that when we entered the invoice we forgot to backdate it. Even though we've added it into the system, it's not applying to the most recent inventory period between Mar 3, 10:19am and Mar 10, 10:39am.

Set Correct Invoice Time

We need to go back into that invoice and edit the time to reflect when it was put into stock. The date/time should fall in between the inventory period.

You can edit the time in the app or WISK Web Portal.

The "Date" field is highlighted indicating it must be changed

After changing the time, wait a few moments for your update to be pushed to the rest of your data. When you go back to the Inventories / Invoices / Depletions tab, you’ll see that the invoice now falls in between the two most recent inventories:

The invoice now appears between the two inventories.

Issue Resolved

When we go back to the Variance page, we’ll now see that the Consumption and Sales match, and there is no longer a variance.

The sold and consumed values match and the variance is 0.

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