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Mapping Your POS Items (Web)

How to add recipes to your POS Items using the WISK Web Portal

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over a week ago

When you import your sales data into WISK, it creates a POS Item in your venue for each item sold in your POS. For example, if you sold items called “Grey Goose Single”, or "Margherita Pizza" there would be a corresponding POS Items created in WISK.

With those POS Items in your venue, the next step is to add the ingredients that are used every time the item is sold. This is called POS Item mapping or adding your recipes. You can do this on the "POS Items" page under "Sales" on the side menu of the WISK Web Portal.


By mapping your POS Items, you’ll see the item cost and compare how much you sold to how much you actually consumed between two inventories.

To learn how to map POS Items for a WISK Bar or WISK Restaurant venue, please see the following articles:

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