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WISK integrates with Jonas Club via a daily sales report (CSV file) email sent to [email protected].
To integrate your Jonas Club POS with WISK, please follow these steps:
Contact your Jonas Club representative (If emailing them, please cc [email protected] and your CSM on the message)
Request that you want to integrate your Jonas Club POS with WISK. Provide the details as outlined in the Daily Sales Report section below
The Jonas Club team will process your request and may provide you a quote for the development work to set up the daily sales report
When paid they will create and schedule the daily sales report
Note: This may take some time so we recommend starting the integration process early
When Jonas Club completes the work, you may need to apply an update to your Jonas Club POS
Once the daily email is set up by Jonas Club, please contact us via the in-app chat or at [email protected] to let us know. We’ll confirm we have received the report and set it up to import into your account
You’ll receive a notification that the integration is complete when the sales are uploaded for the first time
Daily Sales Report
When messaging Jonas Club about the integration, specify that you want to have a daily sales report in CSV format sent to [email protected].
The body of the email needs to state:
Generated Report Name: (Name of Venue) Daily Sales Report
Reporting Day: YYYYMMDD
The attached CSV file needs to include the following information in the stated columns:
A - Venue Name
B - PLU Number / POS Code
C - Item Title
D - Category
E - Subcategory (if applicable)
F - Revenue Center
G - Item or Modifier (this column specifies whether it is an item or a modifier)
H - Quantity Sold
I - Gross Sales
J - Discounts
K - Net Sales
Note: Ask Support or your CSM for a copy of the example report below to attach to your request.
Example Report
Integration Completed
When the integration is completed, any daily sales reports sent up until then are imported into your account.
As a daily sales report is sent each day, it gets uploaded into your account.
POS Items appear in your account and will need to be mapped.
If you notice any missing sales, please contact [email protected].
Advanced - Revenue Centers
With the Jonas Club POS Integration, your sales data includes the revenue center each menu item was sold in.
This allows you to filter and segment your Sales data on the "Sales" page to view it by revenue center.
This also gives you the option to map your revenue centers to inventory areas in WISK. This allows you to get:
Real time stock by area
variance by area for each inventory count
Note: Getting real time stock and variance by area is an advanced feature that also requires using transfers within the venue. You will need to make sure that all transfers of items to revenue centers are being tracked. This is the only way to get accurate consumption to compare to your sales. To learn more, see:
Sales by Revenue Center
On the Sales (Totals) tab of the Sales page, there is an option to view your sales by area / revenue center.
Clicking this option gives a breakdown of where each menu item was sold in the selected range.
In the example above, it shows that 30 Modelo Draft were sold during the selected inventory range, across 3 revenue centers.
By seeing where an item is sold, this can help when investigating any variances after you have mapped your revenue centers.
Mapping Revenue Centers to Inventory Areas
To get the most out of sales by revenue centers, you must map them to inventory areas in WISK.
That way when an item is sold, it knows to deduct the ingredients in the mapped POS Item from the stock in the mapped area.
To map your revenue centers to inventory areas, go to Inventories > Areas on the side menu bar.
When your sales from Jonas get imported, it detects any revenue centers in the sales file and creates them as areas in your WISK account with the revenue center already assigned to it.
You can rename this area, or map it to another area and archive it.
In the example below, we have already taken an inventory and created our areas so we need to re-assign the revenue centers and do a bit of clean up.
Revenue Center Mapping Example
As mentioned above, we already created our areas and took an inventory, so we don't need the areas that were created automatically. We'll want to archive them and assign the revenue centers to the correct areas.
Click the area to open the editor window. In this example we'll start with the "2SnackBar" area that was created
Click the "X" button in the "Revenue Centers" field to unmap it
Click "Actions" > "Archive" to archive the area. Click X to close the window
Click another area to assign the revenue center to it. In this example we'll now map it to the "Snack Bar" area that already existed.
Click the "Revenue Centers" drop down and you'll see all revenue centers that are not currently assigned to an inventory area. Click an area in the drop-down to select it
Note: You can only attach a revenue center to one inventory area. Because of this, we don't recommend creating multiple inventory areas for a revenue center. For example, you could not have "Snack Bar - Fridge" and "Snack Bar - Well". It should just be one inventory area, "Snack Bar".
The revenue center is now assigned to the inventory area. Repeat the previous steps as needed to map all revenue centers to inventory areas.
When finished, all revenue centers should be mapped to an inventory area. Areas that only hold stock don't need to be mapped to an inventory area because no sales occur there
Real Time Stock & Variance by Revenue Center
Now that your revenue centers are mapped to inventory areas, you're on your way to getting real time stock and variance by revenue center.
However, to make full use of this, it requires tracking the movement of every item in your venue.
This is done through transfers. When items move from a stock area to a revenue center, you'll need to add a transfer to account for this. This way you'll get accurate consumption per area, which is compared to the sales to determine the variance.
This also makes sure that the real-time stock is the most up to date.
Note: The real-time stock is always an estimate because it is based on POS Item mapping. If more is being poured / used than what is mapped it can't account for that.
To learn more about transfers, see:
Real Time Stock
When a revenue center is mapped to an inventory area, any time an item is sold, it subtracts from the stock in the inventory area.
The amount subtracted is based on the mapping of the POS Item.
When you mouse over the real-time stock column, it shows the "real-time" stock in each area. This is based a number of factors:
The count from the last completed inventory
Any invoices, returns, depletions or transfers
Any sales since the last completed inventory
Note: As mentioned before, using transfers is required to get the most accurate stock in each area
If you click the arrow button that appears on mouseover, it shows you each POS Item sold and the quantity since the last inventory. In this example, the real time stock of Jameson 750ml is 9.29 units, which means 0.71 units have been sold based on mapping. Sales have occurred in the Back and Restaurant Bars.
When all revenue centers are assigned to inventory areas, you have the option to see your variance by revenue center.
Note: As a reminder, for this to be accurate, you need to track all instances of items moving around in your venue. This includes anything coming in via invoices, moving between inventory areas, and returns to suppliers.
In this example we noticed that we have a variance on our Jameson 750ml. According to our mapping, we sold 0.71 units, but we consumed 1.30 units in the venue overall. This resulted in a variance of -0.59 units.
By viewing our variance by area, we can find out if this is coming from a specific revenue center.
To view variance by area:
Go to Reports / Analytics > Variance on the side menu bar
Under the inventory / date range selector, click the "filter by area" drop-down and select an inventory area
Note: You can select multiple inventory areas to view at a time
All data in the table updates to reflect the area that was selected. It shows the beginning and ending inventory counts, along with any sales and the total consumption. With the Sales and COGS it also gives the overall cost percentage for the area.
In this example there is a small variance of 0.08 units on the Jameson, but doesn't fully explain the variance. Lets check other areas.
In the next area (Snack Bar), there is no Jameson because it is not inventoried or sold there
In the last area (Back Bar), we see there is a sizeable variance, which could be due to a miscount or overpouring. Sales were 0.39 units, but 0.90 units were consumed. This area is responsible for the majority of the variance