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POS Item History

View a POS Item's History to see how the costs and ingredients have changed over time

Nick Neale avatar
Written by Nick Neale
Updated over 2 months ago

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When viewing a POS Item, the History tab shows any changes that affect its cost percentage over time. This includes:

  • The cost of an ingredient increased or decreased

  • The quantity of an ingredient increased or decreased

  • An ingredient was switched with another one

  • The menu price of the item increased or decreased

At the end of each day, if there is a change to a POS Item's cost percentage, it's recorded in the History tab.

This appears as a data point in a graph. When you place your cursor over a point it shows all the relevant data including the menu price, cost, and profit.

This allows you to see how a POS Item's cost percentage changes over time.

In addition to seeing the cost percentage, another graph shows the breakdown of each ingredient, including the quantity and cost.

Viewing a POS Item's History

To view a POS Item's History:

  1. On the POS Items page, click the "Details" button beside a POS Item

    An arrow points to the "Details" button
  2. Click the "History" tab

    An arrow points to the "History" tab

  3. This shows all data available for the item. You can use the slider at the top or the presets to show a specific time period

    Note: Data collection for this feature was added in late August 2024. There is no data in venues prior to this.

The following graphs appear in the POS Item History:

  • Cost Percentage History

  • Ingredient Cost History

  • Ingredient Cost History - Expanded (this only displays if the POS Item contains batches)

Cost Percentage History

This graph shows how the POS Item's cost percentage changes over time. As a reminder, this includes any changes to the cost or quantity of ingredients, or the selling price of the POS Item.

When you mouse over a data point the following information displays for that date:

  • Cost percentage

  • Alert percentage (if you have set a cost alert for the POS Item)

  • Cost

  • Price (the menu price from your POS)

  • Profit

An arrow points to the data point showing the breakdown

​Note: If you have set a cost alert for the POS Item, it shows an email was sent if the cost percentage goes above the alert level.

It shows when an email was sent that the item went about the cost alert level.

Ingredient Cost History

This graph shows a breakdown of the POS Item cost by ingredient.

On each date it displays the quantity and the cost of each ingredient when you mouse over it. In this example the latest cost of the POS Item is $3.57 and it shows the breakdown of each ingredient.

The quantity of each ingredient and the cost displays

Each ingredient is assigned a color, and the size of its section shows how much it makes up the overall cost of the POS Item.

By comparing data points, you can see how the cost and quantity of each ingredient changes over time, impacting the overall cost of the POS Item.

Note: If a POS Item contains a batch, this graph shows the cost of the batch overall. To see the cost of each individual ingredient in the batch, there is a graph below that provides an expanded view. In this example, the Pomodoro Sauce is a batch with a cost of $1.07 for 250ml. The graph below shows all ingredients that make up the $1.07.

Adding, Removing or Swapping Ingredients

Whenever you modify an ingredient in a recipe, it logs it on the date it was performed.

There will be clear points in the history where the item was first added, and when it was removed / replaced with another ingredient.

Ingredient Cost History - Expanded (For Batches)

This graph only appears if the POS Item contains a batch.

This graph provides an expanded view of the batch, showing each individual ingredient. This way you can see what ingredient caused the cost of the batch to increase or decrease.

In this example, 250ml of the Pomodoro Sauce costs $1.07. For each ingredient in the batch, it shows the quantity and cost.

The cost of the individual ingredients in the batch display

POS Item Example - Cheeseburger

This section provides a quick walkthrough of a POS Item history.

In this example we are looking at a Cheeseburger, that started off with a cost of $2.70, a cost percentage of 27%, and an alert level of 28%.

The cheeseburger shows the cost percentage on Oct 31st

In the next data point, the cost rose to $3.07 and the cost percentage went above the alert level, and an email notification was sent.

By scrolling down and checking the ingredient costs, we can see the cost of the ground beef used in the recipe was originally $2:

The price of the ground beef was $2.00

But after adding an invoice, the cost increased to $2.37:

The ground beef now shows as $2.37

To handle this increase in cost, the menu price of the POS Item was modified in the POS. It was changed from $10 to $12, which lowered the overall cost percentage of the POS Item and put it back below the alert level.

The Menu price was modified and the cost percentage went back down.

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